Results, 蝦蟇口
Kanji definition:
- 蝦
- 人名用
shrimp; prawn; lobster
- Strokes:
- 15
- Radical:
- 虫 insect
- 1-6-9
- UTF:
- 8766
- JIS208:
- 18-60
- Nanori:
- えみ
- Hangul:
- 하 [ha]
- Pinyin:
- xiā / há
- Example words:
- 蝦夷【えぞ】
- historical term for non-Yamato peoples in northern Japan; Emishi; / Yezo (northern part of Meiji-era Japan, esp. Hokkaido, but also Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands)
- 蝦【えび】
- prawn; shrimp; lobster; crayfish
- 蝦虎魚【はぜ】
- goby (fish); / yellowfin goby (Acanthogobius flavimanus)
- 伊勢蝦【いせえび】
- spiny lobster (esp. Japanese spiny lobster, Panulirus japonicus)
- 蝦蟇腫【がましゅ】
- ranula
- 蟇
- ➜
- 蟆
- Strokes:
- 16 or 17
- Radical:
- 虫 insect
- 2-4-13
- UTF:
- 87c7
- JIS208:
- 74-17
- Hangul:
- 마 [ma]
- Pinyin:
- má
- Example words:
- 蟇股【かえるまた】
- curved wooden support on top of the main beam of a house, now mainly decorative (shape evocates an open-legged frog)
- 蝦蟇口【がまぐち】
- purse with a metal clasp; handbag (with clasp); pouch (with clasp); coin purse (with clasp)
- 蟇目【ひきめ】
- large, perforated, turnip-shaped arrowhead cover made of Japanese bigleaf magnolia or paulownia; harmless arrow affixed with such a cover (that whistles when shot and is used to drive off evil spirits)
- 蝦蟇腫【がましゅ】
- ranula
- 口
- 常用1年JLPTN4
- Strokes:
- 3
- Radical:
- 口 mouth
- 3-3-0
- UTF:
- 53e3
- JIS208:
- 24-93
- Hangul:
- 구 [gu]
- Pinyin:
- kǒu
- Example words:
- 人口【じんこう】
- population; / common talk
- 口【くち】
- mouth; / opening; hole; gap; orifice; / mouth (of a bottle); spout; nozzle; mouthpiece; / gate; door; entrance; exit; / speaking; speech; talk (i.e. gossip); / taste; palate; / mouth (to feed); / opening (i.e. vacancy); available position; / invitation; summons; / kind; sort; type; / opening (i.e. beginning); / counter for mouthfuls, shares (of money), and swords
- 窓口【まどぐち】
- ticket window; teller window; counter; / contact person; point of contact
- 口座【こうざ】
- account (e.g. bank)
- 大口【おおぐち】
- big mouth; / boastful speech; tall talk; / large amount; large sum
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