Results, 趨向
Kanji definition:
- 趨
run; go; quick; tend towards
- Strokes:
- 17
- Radical:
- 走赱 run
- 3-7-10
- UTF:
- 8da8
- JIS208:
- 31-86
- Hangul:
- 추 [chu] ・ 촉 [chog]
- Pinyin:
- qū / cù
- Example words:
- 趨る【はしる】
- to run; / to travel (movement of vehicles); to drive; to flow (e.g. energy); / to hurry to; / to retreat (from battle); to take flight; / to run away from home; / to elope; / to tend heavily toward; / to flash; to streak; to shoot through (e.g. pain)
- 趨勢【すうせい】
- tendency; trend
- 趨く【おもむく】
- to go in the direction of; to proceed toward; to proceed according to; to repair to; to betake oneself to; / to become; to face (facts, circumstances, etc.); / to abide by; to agree to; to consent to; to obey
- 帰趨【きすう】
- outcome (of a course of events); consequence; / tendency; trend; drift
- 趨向【すうこう】
- tendency; trend; current
- 向
- 常用3年JLPTN3
yonder; facing; beyond; confront; defy; tend toward; approach
- Strokes:
- 6
- Radical:
- 口 mouth
- 3-3-3
- UTF:
- 5411
- JIS208:
- 24-94
- Nanori:
- こお・た・な・むか・むかい・むこう
- Hangul:
- 향 [hyang] ・ 상 [sang]
- Pinyin:
- xiàng
- Example words:
© Based on JMdict, KANJIDIC2, and JMnedict, property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, used in conformance with the Group's licence. Example sentences from the Tatoeba project (CC BY 2.0). Kanji stroke order data from the KanjiVG project by Ulrich Apel (CC BY-SA 3.0). See comprehensive list of data sources for more info.
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