Results, 関係
- 関係★【かんけい】 Inflection
noun / ~する noun / ~の noun:
- relation; relationship; connection
- participation; involvement; concern
- influence; effect
noun / ~する noun:
- sexual relations; sexual relationship
suffix noun:
- related to; connected to
これとあれはどういう関係があるの。 How is this connected to that?
犯人だと思っていた男は事件とは何の関係もなかった。 The man I thought was the criminal didn't have any connection to the incident.
Kanji definition:
- 関
- 常用4年JLPTN3
connection; barrier; gateway; involve; concerning
- ➜
- 關
- Strokes:
- 14
- Radical:
- 門 gate
- 3-8-6
- UTF:
- 95a2
- JIS208:
- 20-56
- Hangul:
- 관 [gwan] ・ 완 [wan]
- Pinyin:
- guān
- Example words:
- 関心【かんしん】
- concern; interest
- 関係【かんけい】
- relation; relationship; connection; / participation; involvement; concern; / influence; effect; / sexual relations; sexual relationship; / related to; connected to
- 関連【かんれん】
- relation; connection; relevance
- 機関【きかん】
- engine; / agency; organisation; organization; institution; organ; body; / system; facility; facilities
- 関係者【かんけいしゃ】
- person concerned; people involved (in an event); those concerned; staff
- 係
- 常用3年JLPTN3
person in charge; connection; duty; concern oneself
- Strokes:
- 9
- Radical:
- 人亻 human
- 1-2-7
- UTF:
- 4fc2
- JIS208:
- 23-24
- Hangul:
- 계 [gye]
- Pinyin:
- xì
- Example words:
- 関係【かんけい】
- relation; relationship; connection; / participation; involvement; concern; / influence; effect; / sexual relations; sexual relationship; / related to; connected to
- 関係者【かんけいしゃ】
- person concerned; people involved (in an event); those concerned; staff
- 人間関係【にんげんかんけい】
- human relations
- 係【かかり】
- charge; duty; person in charge; official; clerk; / connection; linking
- 係長【かかりちょう】
- subsection head; assistant manager; chief clerk
Partial results:
- 関係者★【かんけいしゃ】
- person concerned; people involved (in an event); those concerned; staff
聴聞会は報道関係者を閉め出して行われました。 The hearing were made off-limits to the press.
- 関係者各位【かんけいしゃかくい】
- to whom it may concern; to the involved parties; to all persons concerned - honorific language
- 関係省庁【かんけいしょうちょう】
- the concerned government agencies; the ministries and agencies that are relevant to the matter at hand; the relevant authorities - four character idiom
- 関係代名詞【かんけいだいめいし】
- relative pronoun - Linguistics term
引用した問題ではありませんが、関係代名詞と関係副詞の使い分けを問う問題がリーディングセクションにはあります。 The problem quoted isn't one, but there are problems in the reading section that ask you to distinguish relative pronouns from relative adverbs.
- 関係副詞【かんけいふくし】
- relative adverb - Linguistics term
引用した問題ではありませんが、関係代名詞と関係副詞の使い分けを問う問題がリーディングセクションにはあります。 The problem quoted isn't one, but there are problems in the reading section that ask you to distinguish relative pronouns from relative adverbs.
© Based on JMdict, KANJIDIC2, and JMnedict, property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, used in conformance with the Group's licence. Example sentences from the Tatoeba project (CC BY 2.0). Kanji stroke order data from the KanjiVG project by Ulrich Apel (CC BY-SA 3.0). See comprehensive list of data sources for more info.
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