Results, good
- いい☆ Inflection
~よい adjective:
- ため★《為・爲old・為めirr.》
- good; advantage; benefit; welfare ➜ 為に
- sake; purpose; objective; aim
- consequence; result; effect
- affecting; regarding; concerning
あなたのためなら喜んでどんなことでもします。 I am ready to do anything for you.
1月30日、31日は葬式のため休みます。 I'm taking bereavement leave on Jan. 30 and 31.
- 善★【ぜん】
- good; goodness; right; virtue Antonym: 悪【あく】
競争それ自体は善でも悪でもない。 Competition is neither good nor evil in itself.
- よろしい☆《宜しい》 Inflection
- good; OK; all right; fine; very well; will do; may; can - honorific language
- 良★【りょう】
noun or verb acting prenominally:
- good
- B grade (in an A, B, C ... system)
- 快調☆【かいちょう】 Inflection
adjectival noun / ~の noun / noun:
- good (condition); going well; fine; smooth
- グー☆ Inflection
adjectival noun / interjection:
- good
- ハラショー
noun or verb acting prenominally:
- good; wonderful; splendid; agreed - From Russian "khorosho"
- 好【こう】
- good
野球とかサッカーとかの観戦にはあまり興味がないんだけど、珍プレーや好プレーを見るのはおもしろいね。 I don't have much interest in sports games like soccer or baseball, but I do like seeing weird or outstanding plays in them.
- 愛い【うい】 Inflection
- fine (person); good; nice; splendid; admirable - referring to someone of lower status
- ろく《碌ateji・陸》 Inflection
adjectival noun / noun:
- satisfactory; decent; good; proper; worthy - used with negative verb
- 上手★【じょうず・じょうてobs.・じょうしゅobs.】 Inflection
adjectival noun / noun:
- skillful; skilled; proficient; good (at); adept; clever Antonym: 下手【へた】
- flattery
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