Results, prevent
Showing results 26-48:
- 警告試合【けいこくじあい】
- match where the umpire disqualifies the coach and one player after the player has done something dangerous (such as hit by pitch; to prevent retaliation by the opposing team) - Baseball term
- 自宅待機【じたくたいき】
- standing by at home (e.g. to prevent the spread of illness)
- being on furlough; being temporarily laid off
- 末期養子【まつごようし】
- deathbed adoption of a successor (to prevent extinction of the family line); person adopted by someone on his deathbed - four character idiom
- 虫干し【むしぼし】 Inflection
noun / ~する noun:
- airing of clothes, hanging scrolls, etc. (to prevent damage from insects and mould) ➜ 土用干し
この種の毛布は十分に虫干ししなければならない。 This kind of blanket needs good airing.
- 曝涼【ばくりょう】 Inflection
noun / ~する noun:
- airing of clothes, hanging scrolls, etc. (to prevent damage from insects and mould) ➜ 虫干し
- 庚申待【こうしんまち】庚申待ち
- staying awake on the eve of the 57th day of the sexagenary cycle (to prevent the three worms from reporting one's wrongdoings and shortening one's lifespan), while worshipping Sakra, the Blue-Faced Vajra, or Sarutahiko ➜ 三尸
- 鍾馗【しょうき】鍾き
- Shoki the Plague-Queller; Zhong Kui (traditional Chinese deity said to prevent plagues and ward off evil beings); vanquisher of ghosts and evil beings, and reputedly able to command 80,000 demons
- Shoki (WWII fighter aircraft)
- 止める☆【とめる】留める・停める Inflection
ichidan verb / transitive:
- to stop; to turn off - esp. 止める, 停める
- to park - esp. 止める, 停める
- to prevent; to suppress (a cough); to hold back (tears); to hold (one's breath); to relieve (pain) - esp. 止める, 停める
- to stop (someone from doing something); to dissuade; to forbid; to prohibit
- to notice; to be aware of; to concentrate on; to pay attention to; to remember; to bear in mind ➜ 目を留める・気に留める
- to fix (in place); to fasten; to tack; to pin; to nail; to button; to staple - esp. 留める
- to detain; to keep in custody - esp. 留める
その新聞は政府にインフレを止めるように求めた。 The newspaper called for the government to stop inflation.
この文書はあなたのお目にだけ留めていただきたい。 This document is for your eyes only.
私が言ったことを留めておいて下さい。 Please bear in mind what I said.
- 扼す【やくす】 Inflection
godan ~す verb / transitive:
- to command; to dominate
- to prevent; to obstruct
- to grip; to hold
- 袋綴じ【ふくろとじ】袋とじ
- double-leaved printing (traditional East Asian books)
- sealed-page printing; magazine (esp. pornographic) with long side or all three sides sealed to prevent browsing
- dual page - IT term
- 防ぐ☆【ふせぐ】禦ぐ・拒ぐ Inflection
godan ~ぐ verb / transitive:
- to defend against; to protect against
- to prevent; to avert; to avoid
- 拒む☆【こばむ】 Inflection
godan ~む verb / transitive:
- to refuse; to reject; to decline
- to prevent (from doing); to deny (e.g. access); to block
彼女は彼の助言どおりにすることをたぶん拒むだろう、というのは彼が嫌いなので。 She will probably refuse to follow his advice, because she doesn't like him.
- 仕切り板【しきりいた】
- partition board; plank used as a partition
- board used in a ship to prevent the cargo from moving around
- 封ずる【ふうずる】 Inflection
ichidan ~ずる verb (alt. form of じる verbs) / transitive:
- to seal (letter) ➜ 封じる
- to prevent; to forbid; to block
- たでる Inflection
ichidan verb / transitive:
- to treat with medicinal steam (a swelling, etc.)
- to dry the bottom of a ship (to prevent insect damage)
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