Results, ご
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Showing results 51-75:
- 豪儀【ごうぎ・ごうき】豪気・強気 Inflection
adjectival noun / ~の noun:
- great; grand
- obstinate; stubborn [ごうぎ] - archaism
- 五輪★【ごりん】
- Olympic rings; Olympics ➜ オリンピック
肥大化、過度の商業化などの問題も抱えて、五輪は新世紀に向かう。 Despite the problems of excessive commercialization, etc. the Olympics will go forward into the new century.
- 合弁★【ごうべん】
noun / ~の noun:
- joint management; pool
会社が日中合弁で経営しています。 The company is operating under joint Sino-Japanese management.
- 合★【ごう】
- gō; traditional unit of volume, approx. 0.1804 litres
- gō; traditional unit of area, approx 0.33 metres square
- one-tenth of the way from the base to the summit of a mountain
- conjunction - Astronomy term ➜ 衝
- counter for covered containers
- counter for matches, battles, etc.
もちろん、実際に「はやぶさ」が太陽に近づいているわけではなく、図のように地球から見て太陽の反対側に位置するだけですが、このような現象を「合」と呼びます。 Of course "Hayabusa" is not actually closing in on the Sun, it is just positioned as in the figure so that, seen from the Earth, it is on the opposite side of the Sun; this is called 'conjunction'.
百合は当時たびたびロンドンに行った。 Yuri often went to London in those days.
私は巴里滞在中、二三の画家諸君と識り合ひになり、ちよいちよいアトリエを訪ねるやうなこともあつたが、いつでもその仕事振り、生活振りに多大の興味を惹かれた。 When I was in Paris, I became acquainted with two or three painters, and I went to visit their atelier from time to time. I was always fascinated by their method of work and their way of life.
- 合理化★【ごうりか】 Inflection
noun / ~する noun:
- rationalization; rationalisation; rationalize; rationalise
抜本的な合理化のおかげで、わが社の利益は3倍に増えた。 Thanks to a fundamental restructuring, our surplus has swelled three-fold.
- 五分★【ごぶ】
adverbial noun / noun:
- half; 50%; tie; evenness
- 5 parts; 5%
ライオンズが勝つかタイガースが勝つか、五分と五分といったところ。どちらも、同じように強いから。 Whether you pick the Lions or Tigers to win, the result will be a toss-up because both teams are equally strong.
- 五十三次★【ごじゅうさんつぎ】
- fifty-three stations on the Tōkaidō (Edo-Kyoto highway in Edo-period Japan) - abbreviation ➜ 東海道五十三次【とうかいどうごじゅうさんつぎ】
- 合法★【ごうほう】 Inflection
adjectival noun / ~の noun / noun:
- legal; lawful; legitimate
その議論に関する討論は合法であるようだ。 A discussion of the proposal seems to be in order.
- 帝★【みかど】御門【みかど・ごもん】
- emperor (of Japan); mikado
- (the gates of an) imperial residence [御門] - honorific language
姫は帝に赦しを乞うた。 The princess begged forgiveness from the emperor.
- 越し☆【ごし】
suffix noun:
- across; over; beyond; through; crossing
- throughout (a period of time); for
彼は眼鏡越しに私をにらみつけた。 He looked sharply at me over his spectacles.
- ごく☆《極・極くirr.》
- quite; very
- 10^48; quindecillion [極]
石油が化学製品の材料として用いられるようになったのはごく最近のことである。 It is only recently that crude oil has come to be used to make chemical products.
- 豪快☆【ごうかい】 Inflection
adjectival noun / noun:
- hearty; exciting; stirring; lively; heroic; largehearted; splendid
- 誤字☆【ごじ】
- misprint; misspelling; typo; typographical error; erratum
・テキストデータの誤字脱字を修正。 ・ Corrected mistaken/missing characters in the text data.
© Based on JMdict, KANJIDIC2, and JMnedict, property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, used in conformance with the Group's licence. Example sentences from the Tatoeba project (CC BY 2.0). Kanji stroke order data from the KanjiVG project by Ulrich Apel (CC BY-SA 3.0). See comprehensive list of data sources for more info.
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