Results, #adj

Showing results 51-75:

よわいyowai Inflection


  • weak; frail; delicate; tender; unskilled; weak (wine)

それsorewo言われるiwareruto弱いyowaiなあnaa That sure puts me on the spot.

おもいomoi Inflection


  • heavy; weighty; massive Antonym: 軽い
  • heavy (feeling); depressed; gloomy; blue; uneasy
  • slow; sluggish; lumbering; ponderous; clumsy
  • important; serious; grave - of a position, responsibility, etc.
  • serious; severe; critical - of a punishment, illness, etc.
  • solid; established; dignified; sensible

体積taisekiga大きいookiiからといってkaratoitte常にtsuneni重量juuryoumo重いomoiとは限らないtohakagiranai Great bulk does not always mean great weight.

watashihaそんなsonna重いomoi責任sekininwo引き受けhikiukeたくないtakunai I don't like to take on such heavy responsibilities.

kareno病気byoukiha重いomoinokana」「そうでないsoudenaitoいいiine "Is he seriously ill?" "I hope not."

あついatsui Inflection


  • hot; warm; sultry; heated Antonym: 寒い
  • passionate; impassioned; burning (desire, etc.)
  • on everybody's mind; on the radar; du jour; interested (gaze, etc.)

今日kyouhaとてもtotemo暑いatsui It's very hot today.

ちいさいchiisai Inflection


  • small; little; tiny
  • slight; below average (in degree, amount, etc.); minor; small
  • low (e.g. sound); soft (e.g. voice)
  • unimportant; petty; insignificant; trifling; trivial
  • young; juvenile

どうかしたのdoukashitano?」to小さいchiisai白いshiroiウサギUSAGIga聞きましたkikimashita "What's the matter?" asked the little white rabbit.

4月shigatsuni孵化fukaしたshitahinamoヶ月kagetsuになったninatta身体shintaino大きookisaha親鳥oyadoritoほぼhobo同じonajiオスOSUtorinoとさかtosakaga少しsukoshi小さいchiisaiぐらいguraika The chicks hatched in April have also become 5 months old. Their bodies are about the same size as their parents, about the only difference is that the roosters have smaller crests than their father.

すくないsukunaiirr. Inflection


  • few; a little; scarce; insufficient; seldom

このkono病気byoukini勝てるkateruhitoha少ないsukunai Not many survive this disease.

からいkarai Inflection


  • spicy; hot
  • salty
  • harsh (criticism); severe (punishment); strict
  • painful; bitter; difficult; tough 辛い【つらい】

watashiha辛いtsurai食物shokumotsuhaあまりamari好きsukiではないdehanai I don't care too much for hot food.

彼女kanojoha多くookuno辛いtsurai思いomoiwo経験keikenしてshiteきたkita She has gone through many difficulties.

あおいaoiold Inflection


  • blue; azure
  • green - mostly arch. or in ref. to fruits, vegetables and traffic lights, etc.
  • pale; gray; grey 青い・蒼い - in ref. to facial colour
  • unripe; inexperienced 青い・蒼い

なぜnazesoraga青いaoika知っているshitteiruka Do you know why the sky is blue?

彼女kanojoga青いaoi顔色kaoirowoしていたshiteitanoga気になったkininatta It worried me that she looked pale.

お前omaehaまだmada青いaoi You're still young.

おおいooi Inflection


  • many; numerous; a lot
  • large quantity; large amount
  • frequent; common

20daino若いwakai女性joseinonakaにはniha夏休みnatsuyasumini海外旅行kaigairyokounideたいtaito思うomouhitomo多いooi Many young women in their 20s plan to go abroad during their summer holidays.

ふといfutoi Inflection


  • fat; thick
  • deep (of a voice); thick; sonorous
  • daring; shameless; brazen; audacious

kareha太いfutoikubiwoしているshiteiru He has a thick neck.

たくさんtakusan Inflection

~の noun / adjectival noun / noun / adverbial noun:

  • a lot; lots; plenty; many; a large number; much; a great deal; a good deal
  • enough; sufficient

suffix noun:

お父さんotousanha煙草tabakonokemurideたくさんtakusanwawo作れるtsukureru Dad can blow many smoke rings.

みじかいmijikaiirr. Inflection


  • short

ウサギUSAGIniha長いnagaimimito短いmijikaiogaあるaru Rabbits have long ears and short tails.

おそいosoiold Inflection


  • slow; time-consuming; sluggish 遅い・鈍い・遲い
  • late (in the day); towards the end (of the day or night); until a time far into the day or night 遅い・晩い・遲い
  • later (than expected or usual); late; behind schedule; behind time; tardy; overdue; unpunctual 遅い・晩い・遲い
  • too late; having missed the boat 遅い・晩い・遲い
  • dull; stupid 遅い・鈍い・遲い - archaism

myakuga遅いosoiですdesu My pulse is slow.

kareha今日kyoumo帰りkaeriga遅いosoi He is also returning late today.

今年kotoshihaharuno訪れotozurega遅いosoi Spring is late coming this year.

kareha覚えoboega遅いosoiはずがないhazuganai He cannot be a slow learner.

ながいnagai Inflection


  • long (distance) 長い
  • long (time); lengthy

飛行機hikoukinoおかげでokagedehitoha早くhayaku長いnagai距離kyoriwo旅行ryokouできるdekiru Airplanes enable people to travel great distances rapidly.

彼女kanojoga父親chichioyanoshino悲しみkanashimiからkara立ち直るtachinaoruにはniha長いnagai時間jikangaかかるkakaruだろうdarou It'll be a long time before she gets over her father's death.

いたいitai Inflection


  • painful; sore
  • cringy; embarrassing - colloquialism

adjective / suffix:

  • exceeding - esp. 甚い 甚く

噛むkamuto痛いitaiですかdesuka Does it hurt when you chew?

しろいshiroi Inflection


  • white

どうかしたのdoukashitano?」to小さいchiisai白いshiroiウサギUSAGIga聞きましたkikimashita "What's the matter?" asked the little white rabbit.

うすいusui Inflection


  • thin - in ref. to objects, not to people
  • pale; light; faint
  • watery; thin; dilute
  • weak (taste, etc.); little (affection, etc.) not much (of a presence)
  • slim (probability, etc.); small
  • sparse; patchy; scattered

kooriha非常にhijouni薄いusuiのでnode君のkimino体重taijuuwo支えsasaeきれないkirenaiだろうdarou The ice is so thin that it won't bear your weight.

karehaうすいusui青色aoironoネクタイNEKUTAIwoしていたshiteita He wore a light blue tie.

うすいusui砂糖水satousuiwo作ったtsukutta I prepared a weak solution of sugar and water.

コーヒーKOOHIIha薄いusuinoga好きsukiですdesu I'd like my coffee weak.

watashiha成功seikouno望みnozomiga薄いusui There is little hope of my success.

いそがしいisogashiiirr. Inflection


  • busy; occupied; hectic
  • restless; hurried; fidgety

仕事shigotoga忙しisogashiすぎるsugirunomo考えものkangaemonodaけどkedo時間jikanga余るamarunomoなぁnaa Being too busy with work is a problem, but then so is having too much free time.

おもしろいomoshiroi Inflection


  • interesting; fascinating; intriguing; enthralling
  • amusing; funny; comical
  • pleasant; enjoyable; agreeable; fun

これkoregaあなたanatano面白いomoshiroihonですかdesuka Is this your interesting book?

彼女kanojoha子供たちkodomotachini面白いomoshiroihanashiwoしてshiteあげたageta She told her children an amusing story.

このkonohonha面白いomoshiroi読み物yomimonoですdesu This book is interesting.

ほしいhoshii Inflection


auxiliary adjective:

  • I want (you) to - after the -te form of a verb - usually written using kana alone

watashiha鉛筆enpitsuwoけずるkezuruナイフNAIFUgaほしいhoshii I want a knife to sharpen my pencil with.

このkono書類shoruiwoそれぞれsorezore2部ずつzutsuコピーKOPIIしてshiteほしいhoshiindaga I'd like two copies of each of these documents.

すずしいsuzushii Inflection


  • cool; refreshing
  • clear (e.g. eyes); bright
  • clear; distinct
  • composed (facial expression); unruffled; unconcerned 涼しい顔【すずしいかお】
  • pure; upright; innocent - archaism

審判shinpannohouwoちらりとchirarito睨むniramuga審判shinpanha涼しいsuzushiikaoしてshite鼻クソhanaKUSOwoほじっていhojitteiやがったyagatta。「ちくしょうchikushou八百長yaochoukayo・・・」 I glared briefly in the referee's direction but he was putting on a calm face while picking his nose. "Dammit, the fight's a fixup!?"

涼しいsuzushiinatsuha好きsukiですかdesuka Do you like a cool summer?

つめたいtsumetaiつべたいtsubetai Inflection


  • cold (to the touch); chilly; icy; freezing Antonym: 熱い
  • coldhearted; unfeeling; indifferent; unfriendly

冷たいtsumetai北風kitakazega木の葉konohawo茶色chaironiしたshita The cold north wind turned the leaves brown.

冷たいtsumetaiなあnaa That's a bit cold.

かわいいkawaiiかわゆいkawayuiobs.atejiカワイイKAWAIIカワイいKAWAIi Inflection


  • cute; adorable; charming; lovely; pretty
  • dear; precious; darling; pet
  • innocent; childlike; childish; lovable
  • dainty; cute little; tiny

ジルJIRUhaかわいいkawaiiだけでなくdakedenakuatamamoよいyoi Jill is smart as well as pretty.

watashiにとってnitotte子供たちkodomotachiha目の中に入れてもいたくないmenonakaniiretemoitakunaiほどhodoかわいいkawaiiのですnodesu My children are very precious to me.

ゆりかごyurikagode眠っているnemutteiruかわいいkawaii赤ちゃんakachanwoご覧なさいgorannasai Look at the cute little baby sleeping in the cradle.

じょうぶjoubu Inflection

adjectival noun:

  • healthy; robust; strong; solid; durable - sometimes じょうふ

kareha丈夫joubuだったdattaそうですsoudesu He is said to have been strong.

あまりamariあんまりanmariold Inflection

noun / ~の noun:

  • remainder; remnant; rest; balance; surplus; remains (of a meal); leftovers あまり


adjectival noun / ~の noun:

  • extreme; great; severe; tremendous; terrible

suffix noun:

  • more than; over あまり

ぎょうざgyouzanogunoあまりamariha餃子gyouzawoiede作りましたtsukurimashitagakawaga少なかったsukunakattaせいかseikaguga少しsukoshi余ってamatteしまいましたshimaimashita Gyoza stuffing? I made some gyoza at home but, possibly because I didn't have enough dough, I had some of the filling left over.

それsorehaあまりamari価値kachigaないnai It's not worth much.

ひなたぼっこhinatabokkowoしているshiteirutoあまりamarino気持ちよkimochiyosaniウトウトUTOUTOしてshiteしまったshimatta I felt so good as I lazed in the sunshine that I drifted off to sleep.

スイートルームSUIITORUUMUnoあまりamarino豪華さにgoukasaniウットリしたUTTORIshita We were entranced by the fabulous suite.

1か月1kagetsuあまりamari名古屋nagoyani居たitaことがあるkotogaaru I lived in Nagoya for over a month.

あたたかいatatakaiあったかいattakaiirr. Inflection


  • warm; mild; (pleasantly) hot - 暖かい usu. refers to air temperature
  • considerate; kind; genial 温かい
  • warm (of a colour); mellow 暖かい
  • having enough money 暖かい

彼女kanojohakokorono温かいatatakaihitoですdesu She has a kind heart.

暖かいatatakai軽いkarui空気kuukiha山越えyamagoeするsuruto上空joukuuni上昇joushoushi地上chijouにはniha下りてoriteこないkonaiことkotoなどnadokazeha地形chikeiによってniyotte変わりますkawarimasu When warm, light, air crosses mountains it rises into the upper atmosphere and does not fall back to the ground. In this, and other, ways wind changes with the terrain.


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