Results, #trans
Showing results 51-75:
- 並べる☆【ならべる】双べる Inflection
ichidan verb / transitive:
- to line up; to set up; to arrange in a line
- to enumerate; to itemize
- to be equal (to); to compare well (with); to be as good (as)
- 忘れる☆【わすれる】 Inflection
ichidan verb / transitive:
- to forget; to leave carelessly; to be forgetful of; to forget about; to forget (an article)
約束を忘れるとはあまり慎重ではなかったですね。 It wasn't very discreet of you to forget the appointment.
- 磨く☆【みがく】研く・琢く Inflection
godan ~く verb / transitive:
- to polish; to shine; to brush (e.g. teeth); to grind (e.g. lens)
- to refine (e.g. a skill); to improve; to cultivate
この金属は磨くとつやがでる。 This metal burnishes well.
ケイトが演技を磨くために注ぐ力を邪魔する物は、何もありませんでした。 Nothing could hinder Kate from using all her energy to polish her performances.
- なくす☆《無くす・失くすirr.》 Inflection
godan ~す verb / transitive:
- to lose (something); to mislay
- to get rid of; to eliminate; to remove
タイポみると答える気なくす。 When I see typos I lose interest in answering.
その国の財政の赤字をなくすには、もっと、たくさんの外国の援助を注ぎ込まなければならなかった。 To get the nation's economy out of the red, more foreign aid had to be pumped in.
- 履く☆【はく】佩く・穿く・着く・帯く Inflection
godan ~く verb / transitive:
- to put on (or wear) lower-body clothing (i.e. pants, skirt, etc.); to put on (or wear) footwear - usu 履く or 穿く
- to affix a sword to one's hip - usu. 佩く or 帯く
- to affix a bowstring to a bow
母は私がミニスカートをはくのを許さなかった。 My mother didn't let me wear a miniskirt.
- つける☆《点ける》 Inflection
ichidan verb / transitive:
- to turn on; to switch on; to light up ➜ 付ける【つける】
学生は音楽をかけながら勉強をすることが多いし、家の中で仕事をしている人は孤独にならぬようにテレビやラジオをつけるのが普通である。 Students often study with music playing in the background, and people working around the house will usually turn on the television or radio to keep them company.
- 行う★【おこなう】行なう Inflection
godan ~う verb / transitive:
- to perform; to do; to conduct oneself; to carry out
乾燥した空気のせいで痛んだノドや鼻の粘膜は、風邪のウイルスが入り込みやすくなってしまいます。暖房器具で寒さ対策、加湿器で乾燥対策をしっかり行なうことが肝要です。 Throat and nose membranes hurt by dry air allow cold viruses to enter more easily. It is important to carry out sensible counter plans against the cold with heaters and against the dryness with humidifiers.
- 比べる★【くらべる】較べる・競べる Inflection
ichidan verb / transitive:
- to compare; to make a comparison
- to compete; to vie ➜ 力比べ
周りの人達と比べると彼は本当に幸せそうだった。 Compared to those around him, he looked really happy.
- 思う★【おもう】想う・念う・憶う・懐う・惟う Inflection
godan ~う verb / transitive:
- to think; to consider; to believe - 想う has connotations of heart-felt
- to think (of doing); to plan (to do)
- to judge; to assess; to regard
- to imagine; to suppose; to dream
- to expect; to look forward to
- to feel; to be (in a state of mind); to desire; to want
- to recall; to remember
あすは天気だと思う。 I hope it'll be fine tomorrow.
みんなもそうなのかな、と思うことくらいしかできない。 I can only wonder if this is the same for everyone else.
兄弟がいるとどんなだろうといつも思う。 I've always wondered what it'd be like to have siblings.
- 運ぶ★【はこぶ】 Inflection
godan ~ぶ verb / transitive:
- to carry; to transport; to move; to convey
godan ~ぶ verb:
- to come; to go - usu. as お運びになる, お運び下さる, etc. - honorific language ➜ 足を運ぶ
godan ~ぶ verb / transitive:
- to wield (a tool, etc.); to use
godan ~ぶ verb / intransitive verb:
- to go (well, etc.); to proceed; to progress
「委員長、後は何を運ぶんだっけ?」「得点板と大玉もう一個、綱引きの綱」 "Mr Chairman, what needs moving next, again?" "Scoreboard, giant ball and the tug-of-war rope."
友達を運ぶ時には気をつけなければならない。 You must be careful in choosing your friends.
- 送る★【おくる】 Inflection
godan ~る verb / transitive:
- to send (a thing); to dispatch; to despatch; to transmit
- to take or escort (a person somewhere); to see off (a person)
- to bid farewell (to the departed); to bury
- to spend (time); to live one's life
- to pass (down the line)
- to affix okurigana ➜ 送り仮名
わたしは手紙で願書を送るよう決めた。 I wrote off for an application form.
空港まで送るよ。 I'll drive you to the airport.
いかにも敬虔なるクリスチャンが送る、礼節重き言葉です。 So characteristic of what a pious Christian would say, this courteous phrase.
- 打つ★【うつ】 Inflection
godan ~つ verb / transitive:
- to hit; to strike; to knock; to beat; to punch; to slap; to tap; to bang; to clap; to pound - also written as 拍つ, 搏つ, 撲つ, 擣つ
- to strike (noon, etc.); to sound (cymbals, etc.); to beat (a drum, etc.)
- to beat (rhythmically, e.g. pulse, waves, etc.)
- to move; to impress; to touch
- to drive in; to hammer in; to put in; to inject
- to type; to send; to transmit
- to insert; to write in; to mark
- to make (noodles, etc.); to prepare
- to till (soil)
- to sprinkle; to throw; to cast
- to do; to carry out; to play; to perform; to engage in (gambling, etc.)
- to pay (a deposit, etc.)
- to visit (on a pilgrimage)
- to line (a coat)
- to bind (a criminal)
8時をちょうど打ちましたね。 It has just struck eight, hasn't it?
ALSのために、彼の手や腕はペンを握ったりタイプを打ったりすることができないほど弱くなってしまっていた。 ALS had made his hands and arms too weak to hold a pen or to type.
- 包む★【つつむ】裹むold Inflection
godan ~む verb / transitive:
- to wrap up; to tuck in; to pack; to do up; to cover with; to dress in
godan ~む verb:
- to conceal; to hide; to be engulfed in; to be enveloped by
恋は多く人生の苦痛を包むオブラートなり。 Love is a pill made from a great many people's sufferings.
- 下げる★【さげる】 Inflection
ichidan verb / transitive:
- to hang; to suspend; to wear (e.g. decoration)
- to lower; to reduce; to bring down
- to demote; to move back; to pull back
- to clear (plates); to remove (food, etc. from table or altar)
彼らは、その値を下げることに同意しなかった。 They did not agree to bring down the price.
- 考える★【かんがえる】勘える・稽える Inflection
ichidan verb / transitive:
- to think about; to take into consideration
- to ponder; to reflect; to try to come at a conclusion; to think over (something)
- to intend; to decide (to do); to plan
- to come up with; to devise; to scheme
- to predict; to anticipate; to expect
- to suspect; to doubt
- to consider (somebody to be something); to look on
あなたは家族の事を考えるべきです。 You must think of your family.
最近考えることが多過ぎる。 I have too many things on my mind these days.
批判する者の中には、欧州中央銀行に課せられた目標が不適切であると考える者がいます。 Among the critics are those who think that the objective set for the European Central Bank is not appropriate.
- 飾る★【かざる】餝るold・錺るold・荘るold Inflection
godan ~る verb / transitive:
- to decorate; to ornament; to adorn
「修飾語」は、その名前のとおり、文を飾る役目をします。 A "modifier" has, just as it sounds, the role of embellishing sentences.
- 起こす☆【おこす】起す Inflection
godan ~す verb / transitive:
- to raise; to raise up; to set up; to pick up
- to wake; to wake up; to waken; to awaken
- to cause; to bring about; to lead to; to trigger; to give rise to; to create; to generate (e.g. heat, electricity); to produce ➜ 熾す【おこす】
- to start; to begin; to launch; to establish; to found; to set up; to open ➜ 興す【おこす】
- to plough; to plow; to till
- to fall ill with
- to transcribe; to write down (what is spoken)
- to turn over (a card)
子宮内膜炎は、細菌が子宮内に入り、内膜に炎症を起す病気である。 Endometritis is a disease where bacteria enter the uterus and cause inflammation of the inner membrane.
熱が出るとひきつけを起こすことがあります。 Convulsions can occur when they run a fever.
お願いですからヒスを起こす前に話は最後まで聞いてください。 I'm begging you, before freaking out on me listen to the end of what I have to say.
- 受ける☆【うける】請ける☆・承ける・享ける Inflection
ichidan verb / transitive:
- to receive; to get
- to catch (e.g. a ball)
- to be struck by (wind, waves, sunlight, etc.)
- to sustain (damage); to incur (a loss); to suffer (an injury); to feel (influence)
- to undergo (e.g. surgery); to take (a test); to accept (a challenge)
- to be given (e.g. life, talent) - esp. 受ける, 享ける
ichidan verb / intransitive verb:
- to find funny; to find humorous; to be amused (by) - esp. ウケる - colloquialism - usually written using kana alone
ichidan verb / transitive:
- to follow; to succeed; to be descended from - esp. 受ける, 享ける
- to face (south, etc.)
- to be modified by - esp. 受ける, 承ける - Linguistics term
- to obtain (a pawned item, etc.) by paying a fee - esp. 請ける, now primarily used in compound words ➜ 請け出す
ichidan verb / intransitive verb:
- to be well-received; to become popular; to go down well - esp. ウケる, うける - usually written using kana alone
試練を受けることになったダレン。失敗すれば、死刑! Darren is to be put through a trial. If he fails, it's the death penalty!
それを発明した教授は大学から相当の対価を受ける権利がある。 The professor who invented it has the right to reasonable remuneration from the university.
重大な罪については、指導者に告白しなければ赦しを受けることができないとも教えています。 They also teach that, for great sins, they cannot receive forgiveness unless they confess to their leader.
- 漬ける☆【つける】浸ける Inflection
ichidan verb / transitive:
- to soak; to seep; to dip in
- to pickle [漬ける]
- 壊す☆【こわす】毀す Inflection
godan ~す verb / transitive:
- to break; to destroy; to demolish
- to wreck; to ruin; to spoil; to damage
- to break (a bill, etc.)
毎晩、夜更かししていると、体をこわすよ。 It'll do harm to you to sit up late every night.
- かける☆《掛ける・懸ける》 Inflection
ichidan verb / transitive:
- to hang up (e.g. a picture on the wall); to let hang; to suspend (from); to hoist (e.g. sail); to raise (e.g. flag) ➜ 壁にかける
- to put on (e.g. a blanket); to put on top of; to cover
- to put on (glasses, etc.); to wear (a necklace, etc.) ➜ 眼鏡を掛ける
- to make (a call) ➜ 電話を掛ける
- to spend (time, money); to expend; to use ➜ 時間を掛ける
- to pour (liquid) onto; to sprinkle (powder or spices) onto; to splash; to throw (e.g. water) onto somebody ➜ 塩をかける
- to turn on (an engine, radio, etc.); to set (a dial, an alarm clock, etc.); to put on (a DVD, a song, etc.)
- to cause (somebody inconvenience, trouble, etc.); to burden (someone); to impose ➜ 迷惑を掛ける
- to multiply (arithmetic operation)
- to secure (e.g. lock) ➜ 鍵を掛ける
- to take a seat; to sit; to rest (something on something else); to support (something on something else) ➜ 腰を掛ける
- to bind - also 繋ける
- to wager; to bet; to risk; to stake; to gamble ➜ 賭ける【かける】
- to put an effect (spell, anaesthetic, etc.) on
- to hold (a play, festival, etc.)
- to hold an emotion for (pity, hope, etc.)
- to argue (in court); to deliberate (in a meeting); to present (e.g. idea to a conference, etc.) ➜ 裁判に掛ける
- to increase further
- to catch (in a trap, etc.)
- to set atop
- to erect (a makeshift building)
- to apply (insurance) ➜ 保険を掛ける
- to pun (on a word); to use (a word) as a pivot word; to play on words ➜ 掛詞
suffix / ichidan verb:
かっこいい服を着てかっこいいサングラスをかける。 I wear cool clothes and cool sunglasses.
指名通話で国際電話をかけるといいよ。 It's best to make international calls person to person.
スーツにそんなにお金をかけるにはためらいがある。 I hesitate to pay so much for a suit.
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