Results, #aux

あげるageru Inflection

ichidan verb / transitive:

  • to raise; to elevate 手を挙げる
  • to do up (one's hair) 髪を上げる
  • to fly (a kite, etc.); to launch (fireworks, etc.); to surface (a submarine, etc.)
  • to land (a boat)
  • to deep-fry 揚げる
  • to show someone (into a room)
  • to summon (for geishas, etc.) 揚げる - usually written using kana alone
  • to send someone (away)
  • to enrol (one's child in school); to enroll
  • to increase (price, quality, status, etc.); to develop (talent, skill); to improve
  • to make (a loud sound); to raise (one's voice) 声を上げる
  • to earn (something desirable)
  • to praise
  • to give (an example, etc.); to cite - usu. 挙げる
  • to summon up (all of one's energy, etc.) - usu. 挙げる
  • to arrest 挙げる
  • to nominate 挙げる
  • to give 上げる - polite language
  • to offer up (incense, a prayer, etc.) to the gods (or Buddha, etc.) 上げる
  • to bear (a child)
  • to conduct (a ceremony, esp. a wedding) - usu. 挙げる

ichidan verb / intransitive verb:

  • (of the tide) to come in

ichidan verb / intransitive verb / transitive:

  • to vomit

auxiliary verb / ichidan verb:

  • to do for (the sake of someone else) - after the -te form of a verb - usually written using kana alone - polite language
  • to complete ... - after the -masu stem of a verb 作り上げる
  • to humbly do ... - after the -masu stem of a humble verb to increase the level of humility - humble language 申し上げる

調節chousetsuレバーREBAAwoueni上げるageruto座面zamenno高さtakasawo調節chousetsuできますdekimasu You can adjust the seat height by moving the adjustment lever up.

たこtakowo上げるageruことkotoga危険なkikennaことkotomoあるaru Flying a kite can be dangerous.

彼らkareraha給料kyuuryouwo上げるageruようにyouni要求youkyuuしたshita They made a claim for higher pay.

彼女kanojoha小さなchiisana驚きodorokino悲鳴himeiwo上げるageruto浴室yokushitsuni逃げてnigete行ったitta She gave a small cry of alarm and fled to the bathroom.

零細reisai小売店kouritenなどnadohashin年度nendoにはniha利益riekiwo上げるageruでしょうdeshou Mom-and-pop stores will turn a profit in the new fiscal year.

fuyunoソナタSONATAworeini挙げるageruまでもなくmademonakuいまやimaya時ならぬtokinaranu韓流kanryuuブームBUUMUであるdearu You don't need to bring up "A Winter Sonata" to show that South Korean culture is having an unexpected boom in Japan.

watashihakareniペンPENwoあげるageruつもりtsumoriですdesu I'll give him a pen.

解き方tokikatawo教えてoshieteあげるageruyo I will show you how to solve it.

きるkiru Inflection

godan ~る verb / transitive:

  • to cut; to cut through; to perform (surgery)
  • to sever (connections, ties) 縁を切る
  • to turn off (e.g. the light)
  • to terminate (e.g. a conversation); to hang up (the phone); to disconnect 電話を切る
  • to punch (a ticket); to tear off (a stub)
  • to open (something sealed)
  • to start
  • to set (a limit); to do (something) in less or within a certain time; to issue (stamps, vouchers, etc.)
  • to reduce; to decrease; to discount 値切る
  • to shake off (water, etc.); to let drip-dry; to let drain
  • to cross; to traverse
  • to criticize sharply
  • to act decisively; to do (something noticeable); to go first; to make (certain facial expressions, in kabuki)
  • to turn (vehicle, steering wheel, etc.)
  • to curl (a ball); to bend; to cut
  • to shuffle (cards)
  • to discard a tile - Mahjong term
  • to dismiss; to sack; to let go; to expulse; to excommunicate
  • to dig (a groove); to cut (a stencil, on a mimeograph)
  • to trump 切り札
  • to cut (the connection between two groups) (in go)
  • to start a fire (with wood-wood friction or by striking a metal against stone) - also written as 鑽る
  • to draw (a shape) in the air (with a sword, etc.)

auxiliary verb / godan ~る verb:

  • to finish; to complete - after the -masu stem of a verb 疲れきる

2.大根daikonha拍子木hyoushigini切るkiru 2. Cut the daikon into long sticks.

iewo出る前derumaeにはnihaガスGASUnoスイッチSUITCHIwo切るkiruことkotowo忘れないでwasurenaideくださいkudasai Don't forget to turn off the gas before you leave the house.

3.電話をかけてdenwawokaketemoアナウンスANAUNSUtouni従って従tte操作sousaしたりshitariせずsezuすぐにsuguni切るkiruことkoto 3. If you do phone then hang up immediately, without following any instructions given.

いったんittanfuuwo切るkirutoそのsonoテープTEEPUha返品henpinできませんdekimasen Once you break the seal, you can't return the tape.

おわるowaru Inflection

godan ~る verb / intransitive verb / auxiliary verb:

  • to finish; to end; to close - also written 了る, 卒る, etc.

多くookuno言語gengode辞書形jishogatano語尾gobiga決まってkimatteおりori日本語nihongodehaう段udanno文字mojide終わるowaru In many languages the way dictionary-form words end is fixed; in Japanese they end in a 'u row' character.

みるmiru Inflection

ichidan verb / transitive:

  • to see; to look; to watch; to view; to observe
  • to look over; to look on; to assess; to examine; to judge 診る
  • to look after; to keep an eye on; to take care of - usually written using kana alone 看る
  • to view (e.g. flowers, movie) - usu. 観る

auxiliary verb / ichidan verb:

  • to try; to try out; to test - usu. after a conative verb as 〜てみる - usually written using kana alone
  • to see that...; to find that... - usu. after an aconative verb as 〜てみると, 〜てみれば, 〜てみたら, etc. - usually written using kana alone

上司joushigaいくらikura立派なrippanaことkotowo言ってittemo部下bukaha見るmiruところtokorohaちゃんとchanto見ているmiteiru However fine the words of the management, those working for them see what is to be seen.

atamagaくらくらkurakuraしているshiteiruのでnode深くfukaku考えずkangaezuniいい加減なiikagennaことkotowo書いてkaiteみるmiru My head is swimming, so I'll try writing any-old stuff without any deep thought.

多くookunoアメリカ人AMERIKAjinhaテレビTEREBIde「アイ・ラブ・ルーシー」‘AI/RABU/RUUSHII’no再放送saihousouwo観るmirunoga好きsukida Many Americans love to watch reruns of the I Love Lucy show.

今日kyou朝一asa一deポートレートPOOTOREETOno予約yoyakuga入っているhaitteirundaga・・・どうdouda試しにtameshiniやってyatteみるmiruka First thing today there's an appointment for a portrait ... what do you say? Will you try doing it as a test?

かかるkakaru Inflection

godan ~る verb / intransitive verb:

godan ~る verb:

  • to hang
  • to come into view; to arrive お目にかかる
  • to come under (a contract, a tax)
  • to start (engines, motors)
  • to attend; to deal with; to handle

godan ~る verb / auxiliary verb:

  • to have started to; to be on the verge of

godan ~る verb:

  • to overlap (e.g. information in a manual); to cover

godan ~る verb / auxiliary verb:

  • to (come) at

godan ~る verb:

歯医者haishadehaniついたtsuitaたばこtabakonoヤニYANIwo取ってtotteもらうmorauto費用hiyouhaどれくらいdorekuraiかかるkakaruでしょうdeshou About how much does it cost to have a dentist remove cigarette tar from your teeth?

所得税shotokuzeiha控除額koujogakuwo上回るuwamawaruいかなるikanaru所得shotokuにもnimoかかるkakaru An income tax is levied on any income that exceeds deductions.

haga痛むitamuならnara歯医者haishaさんsanniかかるkakaruべきbekiですdesu If your tooth hurts, you should see a dentist.

見知らぬmishiranuhitoni吠えhoe掛かるkakarunoha多くookunoinuni共通のkyoutsuuno習慣shuukanですdesu Barking at strangers is a habit common to many dogs.

toha内側uchigawadeかんぬきkannukigaかかるkakaru The door bolts on the inside.

ほしいhoshii Inflection


auxiliary adjective:

  • I want (you) to - after the -te form of a verb - usually written using kana alone

watashiha鉛筆enpitsuwoけずるkezuruナイフNAIFUgaほしいhoshii I want a knife to sharpen my pencil with.

このkono書類shoruiwoそれぞれsorezore2部ずつzutsuコピーKOPIIしてshiteほしいhoshiindaga I'd like two copies of each of these documents.

くるkuruold Inflection

~くる verb (spec.) / intransitive verb:

  • to come (spatially or temporally); to approach; to arrive

~くる verb (spec.) / intransitive verb / auxiliary verb:

  • to come back; to do ... and come back 行って来る
  • to come to be; to become; to get; to grow; to continue

~くる verb (spec.) / intransitive verb:

  • to come from; to be caused by; to derive from
  • to come to (i.e. "when it comes to spinach ...") と来たら

10jiまでmadeni来ますkimasu I'll come by 10.

私のwatashinochichihawatashiniぜひzehiそこsokowo見てmiteくるkuruようにyounitoいったitta My father insisted that I should go to see the place.

驚いたことにodoroitakotoni息子musukoha最近saikinすくすくsukusukusegaのびてnobiteきたkita To our surprise, our son has suddenly shot up recently.


conjunction / interjection:

  • then; well; so; well then では
  • combination of 'de' and 'wa' particles


  • plain copula じゃ - Kansai dialect
やるyaru Inflection

godan ~る verb / transitive:

  • to do; to undertake; to perform; to play (a game); to study - colloquialism 為る【する】
  • to send; to dispatch; to despatch
  • to put; to move; to turn (one's head, glance, etc.)
  • to give (esp. to someone of equal or lower status); to let have; to present; to bestow; to confer
  • to make (a vehicle) go faster
  • to run (a business); to keep; to be engaged in; to practice (law, medicine, etc.); to practise
  • to have (food, drink, etc.); to eat; to drink; to smoke
  • to hold (a performance); to perform; to show 演る
  • to ease (one's mind)
  • to harm; to injure; to kill - colloquialism 殺る
  • to have sex with - slang 犯る

godan ~る verb / intransitive verb:

suffix / godan ~る verb:

  • to do ... completely - after the -masu stem of a verb, often in the negative
  • to do ... broadly; to do ... to a great distance - after the -masu stem of a verb

auxiliary verb / godan ~る verb:

  • to do ... for (someone of equal or lower status); to do ... to (sometimes with negative nuance) - after the -te form of a verb
  • to make active efforts to ... - after the -te form of a verb

じゃあjaa2人乗り2ninnoriwo許してyurushiteやるyaruからkaraお前omae漕げkogeorega荷台nidaini乗るnoruからkara Well then I'll allow two on a bike, but you pedal, because I'll ride on the rack.

ドルDORUwoやるyaru I'll give you five dollars.

全てsubetewo捨ててsuteteこのkonoレストランRESUTORANwoやるyaru目的mokutekihaひとつhitotsuだけdakeでしたdeshita I had only one aim in throwing everything away to run this restaurant.

無関係のmukankeinohitowo殺るyaruna Don't kill off bystanders!

するsuru Inflection

~する verb (irregular):

  • to do; to carry out; to perform
  • to cause to become; to make (into); to turn (into)
  • to serve as; to act as; to work as
  • to wear (clothes, a facial expression, etc.)
  • to judge as being; to view as being; to think of as; to treat as; to use as - as 〜にする,〜とする
  • to decide on; to choose - as 〜にする

~する verb (irregular) / intransitive verb:

  • to be sensed (of a smell, noise, etc.) - as 〜がする
  • to be (in a state, condition, etc.)
  • to be worth; to cost
  • to pass (of time); to elapse

~する verb (irregular) / transitive:

  • to place, or raise, person A to a post or status B - as AをBにする
  • to transform A to B; to make A into B; to exchange A for B - as AをBにする
  • to make use of A for B; to view A as B; to handle A as if it were B - as AをBにする
  • to feel A about B - as AをBにする

suffix / ~する verb (irregular):

  • verbalizing suffix (applies to nouns noted in this dictionary with the part of speech "vs")

auxiliary verb / ~する verb (irregular):

  • creates a humble verb (after a noun prefixed with "o" or "go") お願いします
  • to be just about to; to be just starting to; to try to; to attempt to - as 〜うとする,〜ようとする とする

これkore以上ijou何もnanimo言うiuことkotohaありませんarimasenいいわけiiwakewoするsurunohaいやiyaですからdesukaratokareha言ったitta He said, "I will say nothing more, because I hate making excuses."

それらsorerahaあなたanatawo暖かくatatakakuするsuruのにnoni役立つyakudatsuでしょうdeshou They will help you to get warm.

頭痛zutsuuwo言い訳iiwakeniしてshitekareha早くhayaku帰ったkaetta He used a headache as an excuse for leaving early.

そんなsonnaにが虫を噛みつぶしたようnigamushiwokamitsubushitayounakaowoするsurunayo Don't make such a sour face.

結構kekkouですdesuそれsorenishiましょうmashou All right. I'll take it.

このkonoスープSUUPUhaいやなiyanaにおいnioigaするsuru腐っているkusatteiruでしょうdeshou This soup smells horrible. Do you think it's gone off?

それsoreha1万円ぐらいguraiするsuruだろうdarou It'll cost about 10,000 yen.

kareha三日したらshitara出発するshuppatsusuru He is leaving in three days.

何時くらいkuraiまでならmadenara電話denwashiてもいいtemoiiですかdesuka How late can I ring?

前髪maegamigaおでこodekoniかからないkakaranaiようにyouni髪を上げるkamiwoageruことkotowoおすすめosusumeしますshimasu I recommend putting up your hair so your fringe doesn't get on your forehead.

列車resshaha出発shuppatsuしようshiyouとしていたtoshiteita The train was about to leave.

おくoku Inflection

godan ~く verb / transitive:

  • to put; to place
  • to leave (behind)
  • to establish (an organization, a facility, a position, etc.); to set up
  • to appoint (someone to a certain position); to hire; to employ
  • to place (one's trust, one's faith, etc); to bear (in mind etc)
  • to put down a tool (e.g. a pen) hence stopping what one is doing with that tool
  • to take in (boarders, etc.); to provide lodging in one's house
  • to separate spatially or temporally

godan ~く verb / auxiliary verb:

  • to do something in advance - after the -te form of a verb - usually written using kana alone
  • to leave something in a certain state; to keep something in a certain state - after the -te form of a verb - usually written using kana alone

kusuriha子供kodomono手の届かないところtenotodokanaitokoroni置くokuべきbekida Medicine should be out of the way of children.

tsukuenoueni寝かせてnekasete置くokuto転がってkorogatte落ちるochiruことがあるkotogaaruのでnode試験管立てshikenkandateni立ててtateteおくoku If you leave them lying on the desk they may roll off, so stand them in the test-tube rack.

彼女kanojohaいつもitsumo自分jibunno部屋heyawoきれいkireiしてshiteおくoku She always keeps her room clean.

いるiru Inflection

ichidan verb / intransitive verb:

  • to be (of animate objects); to exist 在る
  • to stay

ichidan verb / auxiliary verb:

  • to be ...-ing; to have been ...-ing - after the -te form of a verb; indicates continuing action or state

民主主義minshushugiに対するnitaisuru信頼shinraiwoなくしたnakushitamonomoいるiru Some have lost faith in democracy.

映画eigani行くikunotoieniいるirunotoどっちdotchigaいいii Which would you rather do, go to a movie or stay at home?

すっかりsukkari食べtabe終わってowattehaいないinai I haven't quite finished eating.

いくikuゆくyukuold Inflection

godan -いく/-ゆく verb (spec.) / intransitive verb:

  • to go; to move (in a direction or towards a specific location); to head (towards); to be transported (towards); to reach 来る【くる】
  • to proceed; to take place - い sometimes omitted in auxiliary use 旨く行く
  • to pass through; to come and go
  • to walk
  • to die; to pass away 逝く
  • to do (in a specific way)
  • to stream; to flow

auxiliary verb:

  • to continue

godan -いく/-ゆく verb (spec.) / intransitive verb:

  • to have an orgasm; to come; to cum - usually written using kana alone
  • to trip; to get high; to have a drug-induced hallucination - usually written using kana alone - slang

歩いてaruite行くikuものmonomoいればireba自転車jitenshade行くikuものmonomoいたita Some went on foot, and others by bicycle.

これらのkorerano規則kisokuhaずっとzutto守られてmamorareteきたkitashiこれからkorekaramoいつもitsumo守られてmamorareteいくikuだろうdarou These rules have been and always will be observed.

行くikuyo I will go.

なれるnareru Inflection

ichidan verb / intransitive verb:

  • to get used to; to grow accustomed to; to become familiar with - esp. 慣れる
  • to become skilled in; to become experienced at - esp. 慣れる
  • to become tame; to become domesticated - esp. 馴れる

ichidan verb / auxiliary verb:

  • to get used to doing - after the -masu stem of a verb

hanashiwoするsuruことkotode自分jibunwo曝け出す曝kedasuことkotowo恐れずosorezu英語eigode他人tanintoしゃべるshaberuあらゆるarayuru機会kikaiwoとらえtoraeなさいnasaiそうすればsousurebaじきにjikini形式張らないkeishikiharanai会話kaiwano場面bamende気楽kirakuniなれるnareruであろうdearou Don't be afraid to show yourself through speech and take every opportunity to speak to others in English and soon you will feel right at home in informal conversational situations.

watashigaここkokono生活seikatsuni慣れるnarerunoni時間がかかりjikangakakariそうsouですdesu It seems like it will take me a while to get accustomed to life here.

さしあげるsashiageruirr. Inflection

auxiliary verb / ichidan verb / transitive:

  • to give; to offer - humble language

ichidan verb / transitive:

  • to lift up; to hold up; to raise - humble language

go返事henjiwoさし上げるsashiagerumaeniよくyoku考えましょうkangaemashou I must think it over before answering you.

はじめるhajimeru Inflection

ichidan verb / transitive:

  • to start; to begin; to commence; to initiate; to originate
  • to open (e.g. a store); to start up; to establish (business. etc.)

auxiliary verb / ichidan verb:

  • to start ...; to begin to ... - after the -masu stem of a verb 為始める

問題mondaihaいつitsu始めるhajimerukada The question is when to start.

kusuriwo飲みnomi始めるhajimerutoすぐにsuguni痛みitamiなどnadono症状shoujouhaとれてtoreteきますkimasugaすぐにsuguni潰瘍kaiyougaなおるnaoruわけではありませんwakedehaarimasen When you start taking medicine it begins working on symptoms, like pain, right away, but that doesn't mean that the ulcer heals right away.

もうしあげるmoushiageru Inflection

ichidan verb / transitive:

  • to say; to tell; to state; to express; to offer; to extend (greetings, congratulations, etc.) - humble language

auxiliary verb:

  • to do - humble language

反対hantai申し上げるmoushiageruつもりtsumoriha全然zenzenなかったnakattaのですnodesu I had no desire to say anything against you.

こむkomuirr.irr. Inflection

godan ~む verb / intransitive verb:

auxiliary verb:

  • to go into; to put into; to remain (seated); to be plunged into (silence); to do thoroughly 込む
  • to do intently 込む
  • to continue in the same state 込む

湘南shounanno海水浴場kaisuiyokujouha日曜日nichiyoubiにはnihaとてもtotemo混むkomu The beaches in Shonan are very crowded on Sunday.

hitoga携帯keitaiいじっijiてるteruときtokini覗きnozoki込むkomukuseやめyametahougaいいiiyo You should stop peeking when people are using their cellphones.

なおすnaosu Inflection

godan ~す verb / transitive:

  • to cure; to heal - usu. 治す
  • to fix; to correct; to repair - usu. 直す

auxiliary verb:

  • to do over again - after -masu base of verb; usu. 直す
  • to replace; to put back as it was - usu. 直す - Kansai dialect
  • to convert (into a different state); to transform - usu. 直す

風邪kazewo治すnaosuのにnoni週間shuukanかかりましたkakarimashita It took me three weeks to get over the flu.

直すnaosuのにnoniどのくらいdonokurai時間がかかりますjikangakakarimasuka How long does it take to alter it?


godan ある verb (spec.) / intransitive verb:

  • to come; to go; to be (somewhere) - sometimes erroneously written 居らっしゃる - honorific language

godan ある verb (spec.) / auxiliary verb:

  • to be (doing) - after a -te form, or the particle "de" - honorific language

ichidan ~くれる verb (spec.) / transitive / auxiliary verb:

  • to give; to let one have; to do for one; to be given - くれ is an irregular alternative imperative form

watashiha彼らkareraniチケットCHIKETTOwoもうmou一枚送ってokutteくれるkureruようにyouni頼んだtanonda I told them to send me another ticket.

つづけるtsuzukeru Inflection

ichidan verb / transitive / auxiliary verb:

  • to continue; to keep up; to keep on

はいhaitoいいえiieしかshika言わないiwanaihitoto会話kaiwawo続けるtsuzukerunoha難しいmuzukashii It is difficult to keep up a conversation with someone who only says Yes and No.

おえるoeru Inflection

ichidan verb / transitive / auxiliary verb:

  • to finish 終える・了える

ichidan verb / transitive:

  • to graduate

夕食yuushokumaeni宿題shukudaiwo終えるoeruようにしyounishiなさいnasai See that you finish your homework before supper.

すごすsugosu Inflection

godan ~す verb / transitive:

  • to pass (time); to spend
  • to overdo (esp. of one's alcohol consumption); to drink (alcohol)
  • to take care of; to support - archaism

godan ~す verb / auxiliary verb:

  • to overdo; to do too much
  • to ... without acting on it

若いwakai男女danjoga人里離れたhitozatohanareta洋館youkande恐怖kyoufuno一夜ichiyawo過ごすsugosuというtoiuホラーHORAAno定番teibanスタイルSUTAIRUda This is a horror staple - young men and women spend a night of terror in an isolated house.

名古屋nagoyanonatsuwo涼しくsuzushiku過ごすsugosuにはniha扇風機senpuukiga必須hissuda In Nagoya summers a fan is essential to help stay cool.

ねがうnegau Inflection

godan ~う verb / transitive:

  • to desire; to wish; to hope
  • to beg; to request; to implore; to pray

auxiliary verb:

  • to have something done for oneself

私達watashitachiha平和heiwawo願うnegau We long for peace.

ジェニーJENIIha両親ryoushinga安全anzenwo願うnegau気持ちkimochiwo無視mushiするsuruわけにはいかなかったwakenihaikanakatta Jenny could not ignore her parents' desire for her safety.


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