Results, #food



  • white
  • innocence; innocent person
  • blank space
  • white go stone
  • white dragon tile - Mahjong term 白【はく】
  • skewered grilled pig intestine - Food term

hikiinuwo飼っているkatteiruga1匹hashirodeもうmou1匹hakuroda I have two dogs. One is white and the other black.

ランカスターRANKASUTAAkano紋章monshougaakaバラBARAだっdatakashiroバラBARAだっdataka忘れwasureteしまっshimata I've forgotten. Was House Lancaster's family crest a red rose, or a white rose?

watashiga最後saigonimitaときtokihakareha青いaoiシャツSHATSUtoshironoスラックスSURAKKUSU姿sugataでしdeshita When I last saw him, he was wearing a blue shirt and white slacks.



  • salt (i.e. sodium chloride); common salt; table salt - esp. しお
  • salt (e.g. sodium chloride, calcium sulfate, etc.) - esp. えん - Chemistry term
  • "hardship" [figurative]; toil; trouble しお
  • saltiness しお - Food term

このkonoスープSUUPUhashioga少しsukoshi足りないtarinai This soup wants a bit of salt.

shiowo取ってtotte下さいkudasai。」「はいhaiどうぞdouzo。」 "Pass me the salt, please." "Here you are."



  • (hard) candy; toffee - Food term
  • rice-sugar; sugar made from the starch of rice, potatoes, etc. - Food term
  • amber; yellowish-brown - abbreviation 飴色

息子musukohahakoからkaraamewo一つhitotsu取ったtotta My son took a piece of candy from the box.



このkono電子辞書denshijishoha携帯keitaiしやすいshiyasuiところtokoroga味噌misoですdesu The good thing about this electronic dictionary is that it's easy to carry.

ひらくhiraku Inflection

godan ~く verb / intransitive verb / transitive:

  • to open; to undo; to unseal; to unpack
  • to bloom; to unfold; to spread out
  • to open (for business, e.g. in the morning)
  • to be wide (gap, etc.); to widen

godan ~く verb / transitive:

  • to hold (meeting, etc.); to give; to open
  • to found (nation, dynasty, sect, etc.); to open (a new business); to set up; to establish; to start
  • to open (ports, borders, etc.)
  • to open (an account)
  • to open up (new land, path, etc.); to clear; to develop 拓く
  • to open (a file, etc.) - IT term
  • to extract (root); to reduce (equation) - Mathematics term
  • to cut open (fish) - as 魚を開く - Food term
  • to change (kanji into hiragana)

godan ~く verb / intransitive verb:

  • to flare (e.g. skirt)
  • to slacken (into a poor posture) - as 体が開く, 肩が開く, etc. - Sports term

先週senshuu私達watashitachiha舞踏会butoukaiwo開きましたhirakimashita We gave a ball last week.

niwanoバラBARAnokinoつぼみtsubomiga少しずつsukoshizutsu開きhiraki始めるhajimeru Little by little, the buds on the rosebush in my garden begin to open.

私達watashitachihaそのsonomisega開くhirakuまでmadeしばらくshibaraku待つmatsuよりyori仕方がなかったshikataganakatta We had no choice but to wait for a while until the store opened.



  • saucepan; pot

noun / suffix noun:

  • stew; hot pot - Food term

nabeniごま油gomaaburawo中火chuubide熱しnesshiにんにくninniku鶏肉keinikuwo入れてirete炒めitameiroga変わったらkawattara中華chuukaスープSUUPUto白菜hakusaiwo入れてirete煮るniru Heat sesame oil in the pan on a medium flame, add the chicken meat, the garlic and fry, when the colour changes pour in the Chinese soup, add the Chinese cabbage and boil.



  • legume (esp. edible legumes or their seeds, such as beans, peas, pulses, etc.); beans; peas
  • soya bean (Glycine max); soybean; soy 大豆
  • female genitalia (esp. the clitoris) - colloquialism
  • kidney - colloquialism - usually written using kana alone - Food term

prefix noun:

  • miniature; tiny
  • child

飲むnomu分だけbundakemamewoローストROOSUTOしてshiteミルMIRUde挽くhikuんですndesu We roast just enough beans for the amount we're going to drink, and grind them in the coffee mill.

imoutohamamenokawawoむいたmuita My sister shelled the beans.

watashiha毎朝maiasa自分jibundeコーヒーKOOHIImamewo挽いhiiteいるiru I grind my own coffee beans every morning.



  • seed (e.g. of a plant); pip; kind; variety; quality; tone
  • material (e.g. for an article); matter (e.g. of a story); subject; theme; (news) copy
  • ingredient; leaven (bread); main ingredient of a sushi - Food term
  • cause; source
  • trick; secret; magician's trick; inside story
  • paternal blood; lineage
  • breed (of a stock); sperm; semen

蒔かぬmakanutaneha生えないhaenai You must sow before you can reap.

1つhitotsunotanega絶滅zetsumetsuするsuruたびにtabini我々warewareha自然界shizenkaino一部ichibuwo永久にeikyuuni失うushinauことになるkotoninaru Every time a species dies out, we lose forever a part of our natural world.

そんなsonnaことkotowoすればsureba笑いものwaraimononotaneなるnaruyo If you do that, you're going to subject yourself to ridicule.



  • ending; conclusion
  • join; union; connecting
  • knot; knotting
  • rice ball - Food term おむすび




  • lever; joystick
  • liver - Food term 肝臓


  • hail (esp. hailballs under 5 mm); graupel
  • dicing; small cubes - Food term
  • roasted mochi pieces (usu. flavoured with soy sauce, etc.) - abbreviation 霰餅


  • precious stone (esp. jade) - also formerly read as ごく
  • egg (sometimes esp. as a sushi topping) - Food term
  • stock or security being traded; product being bought or sold
  • position (in finance, the amount of a security either owned or owed by an investor or dealer) 建玉
  • geisha
  • time charge for a geisha - abbreviation 玉代
  • king (of the junior player) - abbreviation - Shōgi term 玉将

ボスBOSUにはniha玉石混交gyokusekikonkounoグループGURUUPUとはtoha言われたiwaretaけれどkeredoorehatamaかなkanaそれともsoretomoishinanoかなkana The boss said this group is a real mixed bag. I wonder if he places me with the wheat or the chaff.

王手outewoかけられたkakeraretaほうhouhatamawo逃げるnigeruなどnadono方法houhoude王手outewo防がfusegaねばなりませんnebanarimasen The checked player must find a way for the king to escape and block the check.



  • nigirizushi; hand-formed sushi with a topping of seafood, etc. - Food term


  • yakisoba; fried noodles, usu. with vegetables and meat - Food term

美味しいoishii焼きそばyakisobaパンPANwo食べtabeたいtaiですdesu I want to eat a tasty yakisoba bread.



  • gyoza; pot sticker; crescent-shaped pan-fried dumplings stuffed with minced pork and vegetables - Food term - From Chinese "jiǎozi"

ぎょうざgyouzanogunoあまりamariha餃子gyouzawoiede作りましたtsukurimashitagakawaga少なかったsukunakattaせいかseikaguga少しsukoshi余ってamatteしまいましたshimaimashita Gyoza stuffing? I made some gyoza at home but, possibly because I didn't have enough dough, I had some of the filling left over.



  • sushi; anything made with vinegared rice (may also contain vegetables, spices, fish, or other delicacies) - Food term 巻き寿司

かなりkanari多くookunoアメリカ人AMERIKAjinga寿司sushiwo好むkonomu Quite a few Americans like sushi.



  • yakiniku; Japanese dish of grilled meat similar to Korean barbecue - Food term
  • roasted meat; grill - Food term

さあsaaみんなminnade食べtabe放題houdaino焼き肉yakinikuyaさんsanni行こうikouyo Let's all go to an all-you-can-eat Yakiniku restaurant.



  • tonkatsu; breaded pork cutlet - Food term


  • sukiyaki; thin slices of beef, cooked with various vegetables in a table-top cast-iron pan - Food term

このkono日曜日nichiyoubiniすき焼きsukiyakiパーティーPAATEIIwoするsuru事になっているkotoninatteiru We're having a sukiyaki party this Sunday.



  • red bean paste; red bean jam; anko - Food term 餡こ
  • kudzu sauce - Food term 葛餡
  • filling (of a dumpling, bun, etc., e.g. ground meat, vegetables, bean paste) - Food term
  • filling (generally); a substance wrapped in something else (e.g. cushion stuffing) 餡子


  • oden; dish of various ingredients, e.g. egg, daikon, potato, chikuwa, konnyaku, etc. stewed in soy-flavored dashi - Food term


  • shabu-shabu; thinly sliced meat boiled quickly with vegetables, and dipped in sauce - from the sound of this dish being prepared - onomatopoeia - Food term
あじつけajitsuke Inflection

noun / ~する noun:

  • seasoning; flavour; flavor - Food term

このkonoo料理ryourihaパリPARInoエスプリESUPURIwo意識ishikiしてshite味付けajitsukeしてshiteみましたmimashita This cuisine is seasoned to evoke the esprit of Paris.



  • strait with a roaring tidal ebb and flow; whirlpool; maelstrom - from 鳴門海峡
  • kamaboko with a spiral whirlpool-like pattern - abbreviation 鳴門巻き
  • cooking technique where ingredients are cut in a spiral pattern - Food term
  • Naruto; city in NE Tokushima pref 鳴門
  • Naruto Strait 鳴門 - from 鳴門海峡 - abbreviation
  • Naruto wakame 鳴門 - abbreviation 鳴門若布【なるとわかめ】


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