Results, #kana

あげるageru Inflection

ichidan verb / transitive:

  • to raise; to elevate 手を挙げる
  • to do up (one's hair) 髪を上げる
  • to fly (a kite, etc.); to launch (fireworks, etc.); to surface (a submarine, etc.)
  • to land (a boat)
  • to deep-fry 揚げる
  • to show someone (into a room)
  • to summon (for geishas, etc.) 揚げる - usually written using kana alone
  • to send someone (away)
  • to enrol (one's child in school); to enroll
  • to increase (price, quality, status, etc.); to develop (talent, skill); to improve
  • to make (a loud sound); to raise (one's voice) 声を上げる
  • to earn (something desirable)
  • to praise
  • to give (an example, etc.); to cite - usu. 挙げる
  • to summon up (all of one's energy, etc.) - usu. 挙げる
  • to arrest 挙げる
  • to nominate 挙げる
  • to give 上げる - polite language
  • to offer up (incense, a prayer, etc.) to the gods (or Buddha, etc.) 上げる
  • to bear (a child)
  • to conduct (a ceremony, esp. a wedding) - usu. 挙げる

ichidan verb / intransitive verb:

  • (of the tide) to come in

ichidan verb / intransitive verb / transitive:

  • to vomit

auxiliary verb / ichidan verb:

  • to do for (the sake of someone else) - after the -te form of a verb - usually written using kana alone - polite language
  • to complete ... - after the -masu stem of a verb 作り上げる
  • to humbly do ... - after the -masu stem of a humble verb to increase the level of humility - humble language 申し上げる

調節chousetsuレバーREBAAwoueni上げるageruto座面zamenno高さtakasawo調節chousetsuできますdekimasu You can adjust the seat height by moving the adjustment lever up.

たこtakowo上げるageruことkotoga危険なkikennaことkotomoあるaru Flying a kite can be dangerous.

彼らkareraha給料kyuuryouwo上げるageruようにyouni要求youkyuuしたshita They made a claim for higher pay.

彼女kanojoha小さなchiisana驚きodorokino悲鳴himeiwo上げるageruto浴室yokushitsuni逃げてnigete行ったitta She gave a small cry of alarm and fled to the bathroom.

零細reisai小売店kouritenなどnadohashin年度nendoにはniha利益riekiwo上げるageruでしょうdeshou Mom-and-pop stores will turn a profit in the new fiscal year.

fuyunoソナタSONATAworeini挙げるageruまでもなくmademonakuいまやimaya時ならぬtokinaranu韓流kanryuuブームBUUMUであるdearu You don't need to bring up "A Winter Sonata" to show that South Korean culture is having an unexpected boom in Japan.

watashihakareniペンPENwoあげるageruつもりtsumoriですdesu I'll give him a pen.

解き方tokikatawo教えてoshieteあげるageruyo I will show you how to solve it.



  • cat
  • shamisen
  • geisha
  • wheelbarrow - abbreviation 猫車
  • clay bed-warmer - abbreviation 猫火鉢
  • bottom; submissive partner of a homosexual relationship - usually written using kana alone - colloquialism Antonym: タチ

あなたanatanoサイトSAITOhanekoni興味kyouminoあるaru人達hitotachiにとってnitotte魅力的miryokutekiですdesu Your site appeals to people who are interested in cats.

nekohaテーブルTEEBURUnoueni座っsuwateいるiru The cat is sitting on top of the table.

nekoga好きsukiですdesu I like cats.

みるmiru Inflection

ichidan verb / transitive:

  • to see; to look; to watch; to view; to observe
  • to look over; to look on; to assess; to examine; to judge 診る
  • to look after; to keep an eye on; to take care of - usually written using kana alone 看る
  • to view (e.g. flowers, movie) - usu. 観る

auxiliary verb / ichidan verb:

  • to try; to try out; to test - usu. after a conative verb as 〜てみる - usually written using kana alone
  • to see that...; to find that... - usu. after an aconative verb as 〜てみると, 〜てみれば, 〜てみたら, etc. - usually written using kana alone

上司joushigaいくらikura立派なrippanaことkotowo言ってittemo部下bukaha見るmiruところtokorohaちゃんとchanto見ているmiteiru However fine the words of the management, those working for them see what is to be seen.

atamagaくらくらkurakuraしているshiteiruのでnode深くfukaku考えずkangaezuniいい加減なiikagennaことkotowo書いてkaiteみるmiru My head is swimming, so I'll try writing any-old stuff without any deep thought.

多くookunoアメリカ人AMERIKAjinhaテレビTEREBIde「アイ・ラブ・ルーシー」‘AI/RABU/RUUSHII’no再放送saihousouwo観るmirunoga好きsukida Many Americans love to watch reruns of the I Love Lucy show.

今日kyou朝一asa一deポートレートPOOTOREETOno予約yoyakuga入っているhaitteirundaga・・・どうdouda試しにtameshiniやってyatteみるmiruka First thing today there's an appointment for a portrait ... what do you say? Will you try doing it as a test?

あうau Inflection

godan ~う verb / intransitive verb:

  • to meet; to encounter; to see - 逢う is often used for close friends, etc. and may be associated with drama or pathos; 遭う may have an undesirable nuance
  • to have an accident; to have a bad experience - esp. 遭う when in kanji - usually written using kana alone

両親ryoushinhawatashigaまたmataトムTOMUto会うauことkotowo禁止kinshiしたshita My parents prohibited me from seeing Tom again.

猛吹雪moufubukini遭うauまでmadeha順調junchouni進んだsusunda We made good time until we ran into a blizzard.


temporal noun / adverbial noun:

  • beginning; start; outset; opening


  • first (in line, etc.) - esp. 初め
  • origin - esp. 始め
  • such as ...; not to mention ... - esp. 始め; as 〜を始め, 〜を始めとして, etc. - usually written using kana alone

二人とも二nintomoimaha舞い上がっているmaiagatteiruけどkedo会うauha別れwakareno始めhajimeってtteことkoto知っているshitteirunokane Those two are blindly enraptured with each other right now but they say first meeting someone is the first step toward goodbye. I wonder if they're aware of that.

始めhajimeよければyokereba終わりowariよしyoshi A good beginning makes a good ending.

このkono語学gogakuセンターSENTAAdeha英語eigowoはじめhajime世界sekai15か国kakokuno外国語gaikokugoga学べるmanaberu At this language centre, about 15 international languages are taught, including English.

ほしいhoshii Inflection


auxiliary adjective:

  • I want (you) to - after the -te form of a verb - usually written using kana alone

watashiha鉛筆enpitsuwoけずるkezuruナイフNAIFUgaほしいhoshii I want a knife to sharpen my pencil with.

このkono書類shoruiwoそれぞれsorezore2部ずつzutsuコピーKOPIIしてshiteほしいhoshiindaga I'd like two copies of each of these documents.


noun / ~の noun:

  • other (place, thing, person); the rest
  • outside; beyond - esp. 外 - usually written using kana alone

adverbial noun:

  • nothing except; nothing but; nothing apart from; nothing aside from; no choice (but to) - as 〜ほか〜ない, usu. after より or the dictionary form of a verb - usually written using kana alone ほかない
  • besides...; in addition to... - often as ほかに

ほかのhokanohitoha私のwatashinoやっているyatteiruことが出来ないkotogadekinaiだろうdarou I don't think anyone else could do my job.

ハゲタカHAGETAKAga突っつくtsuttsuku死んだshinda鹿shikaとかtoka他のtano動物doubutsuno食べ残しtabenokoshiとかtokaそういうsouiu腐ったkusattanikuwo死肉shinikuto書きましたkakimashita A dead deer being pecked by vultures, remains partly eaten by other animals, that sort of rotten meat is called 'carrion'.

おくoku Inflection

godan ~く verb / transitive:

  • to put; to place
  • to leave (behind)
  • to establish (an organization, a facility, a position, etc.); to set up
  • to appoint (someone to a certain position); to hire; to employ
  • to place (one's trust, one's faith, etc); to bear (in mind etc)
  • to put down a tool (e.g. a pen) hence stopping what one is doing with that tool
  • to take in (boarders, etc.); to provide lodging in one's house
  • to separate spatially or temporally

godan ~く verb / auxiliary verb:

  • to do something in advance - after the -te form of a verb - usually written using kana alone
  • to leave something in a certain state; to keep something in a certain state - after the -te form of a verb - usually written using kana alone

kusuriha子供kodomono手の届かないところtenotodokanaitokoroni置くokuべきbekida Medicine should be out of the way of children.

tsukuenoueni寝かせてnekasete置くokuto転がってkorogatte落ちるochiruことがあるkotogaaruのでnode試験管立てshikenkandateni立ててtateteおくoku If you leave them lying on the desk they may roll off, so stand them in the test-tube rack.

彼女kanojohaいつもitsumo自分jibunno部屋heyawoきれいkireiしてshiteおくoku She always keeps her room clean.



  • thing; object; article; stuff; substance
  • one's things; possessions; property; belongings - as 〜のもの, 〜のもん
  • things; something; anything; everything; nothing
  • quality
  • reason; the way of things
  • used to emphasize emotion, judgment, etc.; used to indicate a common occurrence in the past (after a verb in past tense); used to indicate a general tendency; used to indicate something that should happen - formal noun often used as 〜ものだ - usually written using kana alone

suffix noun:

  • item classified as ...; item related to ...; work of ...
  • cause of ...; cause for ...


遠まわしにtoomawashinimonowo言うiuna Don't beat around the bush.

ロバートROBAATOha週末shuumatsuhamisedeよくyokuchichiwo手伝ったtetsudattaものmonoだったdatta Robert used to help his father in the store on weekends.

あなたanatano妹さんimoutosanni会いaiたいtaiものmonoですdesu I'd like to see your sister.

ウィルソンUIRUSONno解法kaihouha同じonaji定数teisuuwo使用shiyouしたshitaというtoiutendeハドソンHADOSONnoものmonoto類似ruijiしているshiteiru Wilson's solution is similar to Hudson's in that they used the same constants.

bokuha子どものころkodomonokoroよくyokuこのkono浜辺hamabeni来たkitaものmonoですdesu I used to come to this beach when I was a boy.

いくikuゆくyukuold Inflection

godan -いく/-ゆく verb (spec.) / intransitive verb:

  • to go; to move (in a direction or towards a specific location); to head (towards); to be transported (towards); to reach 来る【くる】
  • to proceed; to take place - い sometimes omitted in auxiliary use 旨く行く
  • to pass through; to come and go
  • to walk
  • to die; to pass away 逝く
  • to do (in a specific way)
  • to stream; to flow

auxiliary verb:

  • to continue

godan -いく/-ゆく verb (spec.) / intransitive verb:

  • to have an orgasm; to come; to cum - usually written using kana alone
  • to trip; to get high; to have a drug-induced hallucination - usually written using kana alone - slang

歩いてaruite行くikuものmonomoいればireba自転車jitenshade行くikuものmonomoいたita Some went on foot, and others by bicycle.

これらのkorerano規則kisokuhaずっとzutto守られてmamorareteきたkitashiこれからkorekaramoいつもitsumo守られてmamorareteいくikuだろうdarou These rules have been and always will be observed.

行くikuyo I will go.



  • man; person
  • human being; mankind; people
  • human (Homo sapiens); humans as a species - usually written using kana alone
  • character; personality
  • man of talent; true man
  • another person; other people; others
  • adult

このkonohitoha画家gakada This fellow is an artist!

hitohatenからkara与えられるataerarerunoでなければdenakerebaなにもnanimoうけるukeruことkotohaできませんdekimasen A man can receive only what is given to him from heaven.

彼女kanojoha生まれつきumaretsukinokokorono優しいyasashiihitoda She is kindhearted by nature.



  • wife
  • my dear; dear; honey 妻・夫 - archaism
  • garnish (esp. one served with sashimi) - usually written using kana alone
  • embellishment - usually written using kana alone

watashihatsumawo見舞いmimaini病院byouinniいったitta I went to the hospital to see my wife.

エリザベスERIZABESUseiga身罷っmimakataためtametsumagaとめどなくtomedonaku涙を流しnamidawonagashiteいるiru My wife is crying a river of tears because Queen Elizabeth II has passed away.



  • island
  • territory (of a prostitute, organized crime gang, etc.); turf - usually written using kana alone

そのsonoouhashimawo治めたosameta The king reigned over the island.



  • neck
  • head
  • dismissal; discharge; firing (from a job) - also written as 馘 - usually written using kana alone

そのsonokubito頭部toubuhaとてもtotemoやわらかかったyawarakakatta Its neck and head were very soft.

うちのuchinoチームCHIIMUga君のkiminoところtokoronoチームCHIIMUni負けるmakeruようなyounaことkotoga万が一mangaichiにもnimoあればarebabokuhakubiwoやるyaru I'll eat my hat if, by some chance, my team loses to yours.

あなたanatanokubiha風前のともし火fuuzennotomoshihida Your job hangs by a thread.


noun / suffix noun:

  • playing
  • play (margin between on and off, gap before pressing button or lever has an effect) - usually written using kana alone

あなたanataha海外kaigaihe遊びasobide行きましたikimashitakaそれともsoretomo商売shoubaiでしたdeshitaka Did you go abroad for pleasure or on business?


noun / ~の noun:

  • inside; within
  • while - also 裡 - usually written using kana alone ないうちに
  • among; amongst; between - usually written using kana alone


  • we; our - in ref. to one's in-group, e.g. company, etc. - usually written using kana alone 家【うち】
  • my spouse


  • imperial palace grounds - archaism
  • emperor - archaism


  • I; me - primarily used by women and children - Kansai dialect

エイズEIZUgawatashiga生きているikiteiruうちuchini治るnaoruことkotowo願っているnegatteiruyo I have a dream that AIDS will be cured in my lifetime.

あのano少年shounenhamiseからkaramisewo歩いているaruiteiruうちuchini盗みnusumihekigaでてdeteしまったshimatta The young boy got sticky fingers when he walked into stores.

私のwatashino息子musuko二人noうちuchi一人ha教師kyoushideもう一人mou一ninha医者ishaですdesu One of my sons is a teacher, and the other is a doctor.

うちuchide働いてhataraitemiたいtaikanetoウッドUDDOさんsanga尋ねましたtazunemashita "Would you like to work for me, Tony?" asked Mr Wood.

うけるukeru Inflection

ichidan verb / transitive:

  • to receive; to get
  • to catch (e.g. a ball)
  • to be struck by (wind, waves, sunlight, etc.)
  • to sustain (damage); to incur (a loss); to suffer (an injury); to feel (influence)
  • to undergo (e.g. surgery); to take (a test); to accept (a challenge)
  • to be given (e.g. life, talent) - esp. 受ける, 享ける

ichidan verb / intransitive verb:

  • to find funny; to find humorous; to be amused (by) - esp. ウケる - colloquialism - usually written using kana alone

ichidan verb / transitive:

  • to follow; to succeed; to be descended from - esp. 受ける, 享ける
  • to face (south, etc.)
  • to be modified by - esp. 受ける, 承ける - Linguistics term
  • to obtain (a pawned item, etc.) by paying a fee - esp. 請ける, now primarily used in compound words 請け出す

ichidan verb / intransitive verb:

  • to be well-received; to become popular; to go down well - esp. ウケる, うける - usually written using kana alone

試練shirenwo受けるukeruことになったkotoninattaダレン。DAREN.失敗shippaiすればsureba死刑shikei Darren is to be put through a trial. If he fails, it's the death penalty!

それsorewo発明hatsumeiしたshita教授kyoujuha大学daigakuからkara相当soutouno対価taikawo受けるukeru権利kenrigaあるaru The professor who invented it has the right to reasonable remuneration from the university.

重大なjuudainatsuminiついてtsuiteha指導者shidoushani告白kokuhakushiなければnakereba赦しyurushiwo受けるukeruことkotogaできないdekinaitomo教えていますoshieteimasu They also teach that, for great sins, they cannot receive forgiveness unless they confess to their leader.

うつるutsuru Inflection

godan ~る verb / intransitive verb:

  • to move (house); to transfer (department)
  • to change the target of interest or concern
  • to elapse (passage of time)
  • to be permeated by a colour or scent
  • to be infected; to be contagious; to spread (as in fire) - usually written using kana alone

当座のtouzanoところtokorobokuha叔父ojinoieni泊めてtometeもらっているmoratteiruga将来shourai小さなchiisanaアパートAPAATOni移るutsuruつもりtsumorida I am staying with my uncle for the time being, but later I will move to a small apartment.

watashiha新居shinkyohe移るutsuruと共にtotomoniwatashino部屋heyahe引っ込んhikkonde自分jibunde炊事suijiできるdekiruだけdakeno道具douguーー土釜dogama土鍋donabe、七rinnoruiwoととのえtotonoeta When I moved into my new home, I just brought with me the things that I needed for cooking, an earthen rice cooker, an earthenware pot and an earthen charcoal brazier.

いっぱいippaiold Inflection

adjectival noun / adverb / noun / ~の noun:

  • amount necessary to fill a container (e.g. cupful, spoonful, etc.); drink (usu. alcoholic)
  • full
  • one squid, octopus, crab, etc.; one boat

adverb / ~の noun / adjectival noun:

  • fully; to capacity - usually written using kana alone
  • a lot; much - usually written using kana alone

suffix noun / adverbial noun:

  • all of ...; the entire ... - usually written using kana alone

karehaガールフレンドGAARUFURENDOwo無理やりmuriyariいっぱいippai付き合わせたtsukiawaseta He made his girlfriend go out for a drink with him.

老人roujinhaラバRABAnisunanoいっぱいippai入ったhaittafukurowoのせたnoseta The old man loaded his mule with bags full of sand.

手を貸してtewokashiteくれkureそうしたらsoushitarakimini一杯ippaiおごるogoruからkara Give me a hand. If you do, I'll buy you a drink later.

ハワイHAWAIにはnihaサーフSAAFUkyougaいっぱいippaiいるiru There are a lot of beach bums in Hawaii.

すぎるsugiru Inflection

ichidan verb / intransitive verb:

  • to pass through; to pass by; to go beyond
  • to pass (i.e. of time); to elapse
  • to have expired; to have ended; to be over
  • to exceed; to surpass; to be above
  • to be no more than ... - as 〜に過ぎない, etc.

ichidan verb / intransitive verb / suffix:

  • to be excessive; to be too much; to be too ... - often used after adjective stems or the -masu stems of verbs - usually written using kana alone

kareha彼女kanojoni気づくkizukuことなくkotonaku走りhashiriすぎたsugita He ran past without noticing her.

今日kyoumoまたmata寂しいsabishii一日ga過ぎるsugiru Another lonely day.

過ぎたsugitaことkotowo振り返ってfurikaettehaいけないikenai Don't look back on your past.

このkonoスープSUUPUhaしょっぱshoppaすぎてsugite飲めないnomenai This soup is too salty to eat.

kareha忙しisogashiすぎるsugirundayo He's too busy.



  • cotton (material)
  • red silk-cotton tree (Bombax ceiba) きわた - usually written using kana alone パンヤの木

このkonoブラウスBURAUSUha木綿momenseiですdesu This blouse is cotton.

かいぜんkaizen Inflection

noun / ~する noun / ~の noun:

  • betterment; improvement
  • kaizen (Japanese business philosophy of continuous improvement) - often written カイゼン - usually written using kana alone

2国間の2kokukanno貿易上のbouekijounoアンバランスANBARANSUwo改善kaizenshiなければならないnakerebanaranai The trade imbalance between two nations should be improved.



  • hill; height; knoll; rising ground 丘・岡・壟
  • bonus points awarded to the winner at the end of a game 丘・陸符 - usually written using kana alone - Mahjong term

遠くからtookukara見ればmirebaそのsonookahazounoようだyouda Seen from a distance, the hill looks like an elephant.



  • mark; sign - esp. 印, 標
  • symbol; emblem - also written as 徴
  • badge; crest; flag - esp. 印, 標
  • evidence; proof - esp. 証, 証し
  • token (of gratitude, affection, etc.) - esp. 証, 証し - usually written using kana alone

発音hatsuonできないdekinaikatarinishirushiwoつけtsukeなさいnasai Mark the words which you cannot pronounce.

karehaそのsonoページPEEJInishirushiwoつけたtsuketa He put a mark on the page.

進んでsusunde責任を取るsekininwotorutoいうiuことkotoha成熟seijukunoshirushiであるdearu Willingness to take responsibility is a sign of maturity.

つりtsuri Inflection


  • fishing; angling
  • change (e.g. for a purchase) - usually written using kana alone - abbreviation 釣り銭

noun / ~する noun:

  • trolling; writing false posts online - slang

あなたanataha釣りtsurini行きikiたがっているtagatteiru You are dying to go fishing.

つりtsuriha要らんiranyo Keep the change!


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