How to say light in Japanese

あかるいakaruiirr. Inflection


  • light; well-lit; well-lighted
  • bright (of a colour); brightly-coloured; brightly-colored
  • cheerful; bright; spirited; sunny (e.g. disposition)
  • encouraging (for the future of a project, etc.); promising; of fair prospects
  • familiar (with); knowledgeable (about); well versed (in) - as 〜に明るい
  • fair (e.g. politics); clean; impartial

Example Sentences

Making light of cavities can be a matter of life and death.
As one grows old, one becomes a light sleeper.
I felt very light on my feet afterwards.
Then, when you're making CG, how should you use light sources?
When warm, light, air crosses mountains it rises into the upper atmosphere and does not fall back to the ground. In this, and other, ways wind changes with the terrain.

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