Results, 1329860
- 受身☆【うけみ】受け身☆ Inflection
noun / ~の noun / adjectival noun:
- the defensive
- passive attitude; passivity; passiveness
- the passive; passive voice - Linguistics term
- ukemi (the art of falling safely) - Martial Arts term
どうしてそんなに受け身的なのか。仕返ししてはどうだ。 How can you be so passive? Why don't you retaliate?
公式問題集には"受け身の現在進行形"と説明されています。 In the official question collection it is explained as being "passive voice of the present continuous tense".
No Kanji in this term
© Based on JMdict, KANJIDIC2, and JMnedict, property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, used in conformance with the Group's licence. Example sentences from the Tatoeba project (CC BY 2.0). Kanji stroke order data from the KanjiVG project by Ulrich Apel (CC BY-SA 3.0). See comprehensive list of data sources for more info.
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