Results, #v
Showing results 26-50:
- 借りる☆【かりる】 Inflection
ichidan verb / transitive:
- to borrow; to have a loan
- to rent; to hire
彼にはそのお金を借りる友達がいなかった。 He had no friend from whom he could borrow the money.
- 着る☆【きる】著る Inflection
ichidan verb / transitive:
- to wear (in modern Japanese, from the shoulders down); to put on
- to bear (guilt, etc.)
「あの赤い服を着るのはよしなさい」「なぜいけないの」 "You had better not wear the red dress." "Why not?"
- 張る☆【はる】貼る☆ Inflection
godan ~る verb / transitive:
- to stick; to paste; to affix - esp. 貼る
godan ~る verb / intransitive verb / transitive:
- to stretch; to spread; to strain; to tighten; to put up (tent)
godan ~る verb / intransitive verb:
- to form (e.g. ice on a pond)
godan ~る verb / intransitive verb / transitive:
- to fill; to swell
godan ~る verb / transitive:
- to stick out; to put; to slap
godan ~る verb / intransitive verb:
- to be expensive
godan ~る verb / transitive:
- to keep a watch on; to be on the lookout
godan ~る verb / intransitive verb:
godan ~る verb / transitive:
- to span; to generate - Mathematics term
あなたの願書に最近の写真を貼りなさい。 Attach a recent photograph to your application form.
クモがクモの巣を張るところを見たことがありますか。 Have you ever seen a spider spinning its web?
- 歌う☆【うたう】唄う☆・謡う☆・詠う・唱う Inflection
godan ~う verb / transitive / intransitive verb:
- to sing
godan ~う verb / transitive:
- to sing (one's praises in a poem, etc.); to compose a poem; to recite a poem - esp. 歌う, 詠う
- 見る☆【みる】観る・視る Inflection
ichidan verb / transitive:
- to see; to look; to watch; to view; to observe
- to look over; to look on; to assess; to examine; to judge ➜ 診る
- to look after; to keep an eye on; to take care of - usually written using kana alone ➜ 看る
- to view (e.g. flowers, movie) - usu. 観る
auxiliary verb / ichidan verb:
- to try; to try out; to test - usu. after a conative verb as 〜てみる - usually written using kana alone
- to see that...; to find that... - usu. after an aconative verb as 〜てみると, 〜てみれば, 〜てみたら, etc. - usually written using kana alone
上司がいくら立派なことを言っても、部下は、見るところはちゃんと見ている。 However fine the words of the management, those working for them see what is to be seen.
頭がくらくらしているので、深く考えずにいい加減なことを書いてみる。 My head is swimming, so I'll try writing any-old stuff without any deep thought.
多くのアメリカ人はテレビで「アイ・ラブ・ルーシー」の再放送を観るのが好きだ。 Many Americans love to watch reruns of the I Love Lucy show.
今日、朝一でポートレートの予約が入っているんだが・・・どうだ?試しにやってみるか? First thing today there's an appointment for a portrait ... what do you say? Will you try doing it as a test?
- 閉まる☆【しまる】締まる☆・緊まる Inflection
godan ~る verb / intransitive verb:
- to be shut; to close; to be closed - esp. 閉まる
- to be firm (of a body, face, etc.); to be well-knit [締まる]
- to be locked
- to tighten; to be tightened
- to become sober; to become tense
店は7時に閉まる。 The shop closes at seven.
キムちゃんはすごく閉まる太ももあるんで、石炭の塊を入れば、2週後で、ダイヤモンドを出してるよ! Kim is so tight, if you stuck a lump of coal up her ass, in two weeks you'd have a diamond!
- 返す☆【かえす】反す☆ Inflection
godan ~す verb / transitive:
- to return (something); to restore; to put back - esp. 返す ➜ 帰す【かえす】
- to turn over; to turn upside down; to overturn
- to pay back; to retaliate; to reciprocate - esp. 返す
suffix / godan ~す verb:
- to repeat ...; to do ... back - after the -masu stem of a verb
お金は明日返すよ。 I'll give you back the money tomorrow.
戦闘に携わる兵士たちは戦闘が止んでいるときに好んで、平穏無事な時代を想い返す。 Combat soldiers during peaceful moments like to reminisce of their halcyon days.
- 出かける☆【でかける】出掛ける☆ Inflection
ichidan verb / intransitive verb:
- to go out (e.g. on an excursion or outing); to leave; to depart; to start; to set out
- to be about to leave; to be just going out
妻は魚のオードブルが好きだからね、釣りに出掛けるときはお許しが出やすいんだよね。 My wife loves fish hors d'oeuvre, so it's easier for me to get a kitchen pass for my fishing.
- わかる☆《分かる・解る・判る・分る》 Inflection
godan ~る verb / intransitive verb:
- to understand; to comprehend; to grasp; to see; to get; to follow
- to become clear; to be known; to be discovered; to be realized; to be realised; to be found out
「博、君の気持ちは分かるよ」とマイクが言います。 "I understand how you feel, Hiroshi," says Mike.
- 違う☆【ちがう】 Inflection
godan ~う verb / intransitive verb:
- to differ (from); to vary
- to not be in the usual condition
- to not match the correct (answer, etc.)
- to be different from promised ➜ 話が違う
- isn't it?; wasn't it? - at sentence-end; oft. as 〜のと違うか - Kansai dialect
その点では私は君と意見が違う。 I differ from you on that point.
そんなばかなことを言うなんて彼は気でも違ったのか。 Is he mad that he should say such a foolish thing?
- 泳ぐ☆【およぐ】游ぐ Inflection
godan ~ぐ verb / intransitive verb:
- to swim
まだ水温低いから泳ぐつもりはないんよ? The water temperature's still low so you're not going to swim, are you?
- 会う☆【あう】逢う☆・遭う☆・遇う Inflection
godan ~う verb / intransitive verb:
- to meet; to encounter; to see - 逢う is often used for close friends, etc. and may be associated with drama or pathos; 遭う may have an undesirable nuance
- to have an accident; to have a bad experience - esp. 遭う when in kanji - usually written using kana alone
両親は私がまたトムと会うことを禁止した。 My parents prohibited me from seeing Tom again.
猛吹雪に遭うまでは順調に進んだ。 We made good time until we ran into a blizzard.
- 覚える☆【おぼえる】憶える Inflection
ichidan verb / transitive:
- to memorize; to memorise; to commit to memory; to learn by heart; to bear in mind; to remember
- to learn; to pick up; to acquire [覚える]
- to feel [覚える]
- to think; to regard [覚える]
物を視覚的に覚える器官は視床下部の下にある。 The sight memory organ is below the hypothalamus.
聖書を読むたびに、私は深い感動を覚える。 Every time I read the Bible, I am deeply moved.
- かかる☆《掛かる・懸かる・掛る・懸る》 Inflection
godan ~る verb / intransitive verb:
- to take (a resource, e.g. time or money) ➜ 時間がかかる
godan ~る verb:
- to hang
- to come into view; to arrive ➜ お目にかかる
- to come under (a contract, a tax)
- to start (engines, motors)
- to attend; to deal with; to handle
godan ~る verb / auxiliary verb:
- to have started to; to be on the verge of
godan ~る verb:
- to overlap (e.g. information in a manual); to cover
godan ~る verb / auxiliary verb:
- to (come) at
godan ~る verb:
歯医者で歯についたたばこのヤニを取ってもらうと、費用はどれくらいかかるでしょう? About how much does it cost to have a dentist remove cigarette tar from your teeth?
所得税は控除額を上回るいかなる所得にもかかる。 An income tax is levied on any income that exceeds deductions.
歯が痛むなら、歯医者さんにかかるべきです。 If your tooth hurts, you should see a dentist.
見知らぬ人に吠え掛かるのは多くの犬に共通の習慣です。 Barking at strangers is a habit common to many dogs.
- 帰る☆【かえる】還る・歸るold Inflection
godan ~る verb / intransitive verb:
- to return; to come home; to go home; to go back ➜ 返る
- to leave - of a guest, customer, etc.
- to get home; to get to home plate - Baseball term
留守中にもし彼がきたら、私が帰るまで待つように言ってください。 If he should come in my absence, please ask him to wait until I come back.
- 起きる☆【おきる】 Inflection
ichidan verb / intransitive verb:
- to get up; to rise; to blaze up (fire)
- to wake up; to be awake; to stay awake
- to occur (usu. of unfavourable incidents); to happen; to take place
僕らは明け方に起きるために早く寝た。 We hit the hay early in order to get up at dawn.
- 休む☆【やすむ】 Inflection
godan ~む verb / intransitive verb:
- to be absent; to take a day off
- to rest; to have a break
- to go to bed; to (lie down to) sleep; to turn in; to retire
- to stop doing some ongoing activity for a time; to suspend business
彼はよく会合を休む。 He often absents himself from meetings.
老人は休むために少しの間立ち止まった。 The old man stopped for a moment to rest.
我々は、昼は働き夜は休む。 We work by day, and rest by night.
警察が墜落事故の原因を昼夜休むことなく調査している。 The police are investigating the cause of the crash around the clock.
- 吸う☆【すう】喫う Inflection
godan ~う verb / transitive:
- to smoke; to breathe in; to inhale
- to suck; to sip; to slurp
- to absorb; to soak up
- to kiss
教室でどうどうとタバコをすう高校生たちとそれを注意できない教師たちは罰を受けることになります。 High school students who flagrantly smoke in class and the teachers who can't caution them will be punished.
例えば、たばこをぷかぷか吸う先生が、たばこを吸う生徒に注意してもその注意は矛盾しているだろう。 For example, if a chain-smoking teacher cautions a pupil for smoking, that warning is self-contradictory.
- 教える☆【おしえる】訓えるold Inflection
ichidan verb / transitive:
- to teach; to instruct
- to tell; to inform
- to preach
唯一の有益な知識とは、よいものを捜し求め、悪いものを避ける方法をわれわれに教える知識である。 The only useful knowledge is that which teaches us how to seek what is good and avoid what is evil.
- 曲がる☆【まがる】曲る Inflection
godan ~る verb / intransitive verb:
- to bend; to curve; to warp; to wind; to twist
- to turn ➜ 折れる【おれる】
- to be awry; to be askew; to be crooked
彼女が角を曲がるとき私は彼女を見かけた。 I caught sight of her as she turned the corner.
- 交番☆【こうばん】 Inflection
noun / ~する noun:
- police box; small neighborhood police station
noun / noun or verb acting prenominally:
- alternation; alternating (e.g. current)
- 降る☆【ふる】 Inflection
godan ~る verb / intransitive verb:
- to fall (of rain, snow, ash, etc.); to come down
- to form (of frost)
- to beam down (of sunlight or moonlight); to pour in
- to visit (of luck, misfortune, etc.); to come; to arrive
- 困る☆【こまる】 Inflection
godan ~る verb / intransitive verb:
- to be troubled; to be worried; to be bothered; to be embarrassed; to be stumped
私の娘は尻が重いので困る。 My daughter's slowness to take action is a pain.
- 差す☆【さす】 Inflection
godan ~す verb / intransitive verb:
- to shine ➜ 射す
- to be visible
- to be tinged with
- to rise (of water levels); to flow in
- to be felt (i.e. as an emotion); to come over one ➜ 気が差す・魔が差す
godan ~す verb / transitive:
- to hold up (an umbrella, etc.); to put up; to raise
- to extend one's arm straight ahead (in dance) ➜ 指す
- to insert; to put in ➜ 挿す
- to wear (a sword) in one's belt; to wear at one's side; to carry under one's arm ➜ 挿す
- to insert one's arm under an opponent's arm - Sumo term
- to pole (a boat) ➜ 刺す
- to pour; to add (liquid); to serve (drinks) ➜ 注す
- to put on (lipstick, etc.); to apply; to colour; to dye
- to light (a fire); to burn
- to shut; to close; to lock; to fasten ➜ 鎖す【さす】
suffix / godan ~す verb:
- to stop in the midst of; to leave undone - after the -masu stem of a verb ➜ 止す【さす】
ほお紅や口紅を差すだけで表情や笑顔がどんどん変わってくるんです。 Expressions and smiles change like that just from applying rouge and lipstick.
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